🥼 Merch! https://newzeroland.creator-spring.com/
🏍 Bikes: 2015 Zero SR + 2020 Energica Ego
🎥 Gear: Huawei P20 Pro + insta360 + GoPro Session
🥝 Location: New Zealand
Thanks for watching!
– newzeroland –
#EnergicaEgo #ElectricMotorcycle #newzeroland
All proceeds go to feed my DC charging addiction…pure love it!
A dodgy car magazine test which included a P model Tesla, they quoted the cheapest model range and performance and the price of the expensive model s, that is what sparked my interest in EV's and as a ex motorcyclist, I have an interest in EV bike's and the ease of maintenance of an EV. My last bike was in the mid 80s.
I've never bought another car magazine since.
What jacket is that?
I've definitely noticed the EV rider community is more welcoming than the ICE rider community. There's less posturing and toxic masculinity too.
Cool, man !! I just stumbled across this channel. I ride an electric EM2 over here in Canada. It's just a city bike, it has a top speed of 70 kph. But I love it…5 bucks a month to charge. 🙂
Totally agree. I have my SR/S for a month now and in the first week I had it, there was a tour organized by the Zero Motorcycles Owners Benelux Facebook group. Felt like a group of friends right away! If you can add men's V-neck shirt to the collection, I want the Lex Summer design one!
Yes! This is why I set up a totally free EV charging station at my home for the public to use 24/7. One NEMA 14-50, one J-1772, one normal 110v, and three Tesla Wall Connectors. My friends think I'm crazy. "Why would you provide these to the public for free?" They don't get it. But we EV people understand. 😉
EVs are the future! Actually, they are quickly becoming the present. There are plenty of electric cars here in New Zealand, I see Nissan Leafs and various Teslas everyday. In fact every morning when I go to work I see my Leaf. I also have an electric lawnmower (Stihl) and an electric scooter and have just ordered an electric unicycle. One day I'll change my motorcycle to electric too, I need more range than current models offer – but I'm sure that longer range will happen. Even the Energica Ego has a longer range sibling with the Ego+ which shows the range IS improving.
Keep having fun and enjoying the insta-torque!
nice haha, I haven't had any experience yet with having to charge somewhere and I really don't plan on it haha I have ran my battery down to 5% though before it was pretty scary haha
YOU, Sam, are awesome. Thank you for another great video, and thank you for doing what you do. Electric is such a great way to ride!
another interesting thing is that your channel and the other common "bike channels" (dandanthefireman, yammie noob, Srkcycles, etc etc) are almost separate entities in the youtube algorithm… but ya – ALL of those pages seem to completely IGNORE EV bikes as even existing. completely unacknowledging in any review, shootout, or anything at all unless its a small 2 second mention in a bigger video. I do have to actively seek out EV related content to pay attention to Energica, Zero, Lightning, and future Yamahas.
I suppose that would be my one gripe about "EV community". I rather just love the bikes and people leave me alone LOL. I don't like hugs. instant speed and power is fun, but gathering around to share in hatred of "those dirty gas bikes" is lame. I just wanna go the fastest for the least consequences, and until electrical faults reveal themselves, EV seems to have a stronger argument against gas to meet those ends.
That is one point of discussion i wish EV bikers would go in depth with, how speeding everywhere affects maintenance. We all know on a gas bike the consequence of speed is blowing the engine or running out of fuel… Is "running out of electricity" the ONLY downside of speeding on an EV? because if so, that's amazing. however, the mechanic in me doesn't believe that's all you exchange for thrills. Instant (and often triple) torque has to be putting metallic stresses SOMEWHERE. and all those electrons flying out of raiden's fingers through one end of the battery to the other MUST be causing some type of damage too.
Ev people are awesome… reminds me of a certain theme song.
Hello everybody I want to get a electric bike but I don't know which one should I get energica ego or LS 218 please can someone help me?
I've been riding motorbikes since 1970 and considered myself a "dyed in the wool motorcyclist" and have always found motorcyclists a friendly helpful bunch. I guess it's because we are in the minority we look after each other. The EV owners I've spoken are the same, regardless of what they drive (Leaf, Tesla or Energica/Zero) they are happy to spend a few minutes to share their experience with me.
I don't ride motorbikes as much these days preferring the comfort of my "Little BSuzuki Swift) especially when it's raining and 2 degrees on the Desert Road. Been there done that TOO many times over the years. Up until now cars have just been a means to carry more people or larger items than I can on a bike (cars do have their uses).
Hopefully in a couple of years I'll join the EV world and get the only car I've ever been really interested in; a Tesla. It is hard to decide between the Model 3, or Y …… maybe the Cybertruck??!!
Sorry Sam for my rant taking up your electric motorcycle channel, but this just seemed the right time/place for me to let it out.
Love the EV comunity here in NZ. I've also been so welcomed in, especially nice as a foreigner.
I can't wait to get an EMoto but I'm still a poor man from my RTW ride. oh well fuel savings of my $5000 Leaf will soon pay for a bike. I only public charge as I dont have s home charger 🤣
Also do you have merch in NZ instead of Tspring? Like I said before I would love to rock your stickers on my RTW bike
Great stuff! Positive vibes are always great to hear.
Kudos to Heitor!
Spot on Sam, the world needs unitifying together for common goals right now, and why not with exciting cars and bikes!
When I was struggling with my charge tank pulling only 2kw on a type 2 station, a cool dude in a Leaf told me how he had similar problems and solved them simply by plugging the cable in the evse first, and then in the bike. This solved the problem for me too and I couldnt thank him enough, that was a nice random encounter !
SAAAAMMMM!!!! You're an amazing/awesome person too! Taking your time to make us videos, teaching us things about the bike and maintenance, and, best of all, entertaining us when we are not riding. So a HUGE thank you my friend!!! I am glad the mirror arrived in perfect condition!!! And I am extremely excited about the box, hahaha, thanks again!!! Btw there was a little black plastic cap in the little bag with the screws that goes in last to blend the metal with the black finish so you can't see the screw. Did you put it on after the video ended?
Strange that your ChargeAmps cable didn't work? I use it as my sole Type2 charging cable for overnight charging.
Man whats up with your gestures they are wild.
No ! I did not go EV because I was 'excited' about the technology . I went EV because I was pissed about the antiquated bull-dinkey of ICE's . A carburetor that needs fresh gas every couple of weeks or it will start to develop varnish . . . a leaking transmission on the driveway . . . . etc. , etc. , . . . . unnecessary complexity. An electric motor has a rotor and a winding . DONE !
I had a similar thing!!
Someone gave me their right footpeg♥️
EV community I love you♥️
That's why I have the standard sidebags on my Eva. Filled with grannycharger, extension cord and type 2 cable. I can plug in everywhere!
But thumbs up for the vid and the EV-community.
Gives one hope for humanity. BTW, just saw my first other Zero in the wild a few weeks ago. Think it was an SR. Good video Sam. I need to get back on the Youtube train. Dude, I'll take a shirt or sticker.
A freakn mirror? I was hoping for a box full of NZ beanies 😃
So recognizable. I remember the ancient times when I first spotted another Zero in the wild, we both stopped in our tracks to have a chat. Regarding the charging cable situation, I shortened a type 2 to 1,5 metre. Compact and light enough to easily take with you anywhere and the short length isn't an issue because you can park the bike next to the station anyway.
Very cool, I was just talking to the guy I know at the local Harley dealership so I'm going to ride the RSV4 down since he hasn't seen one before and try out one of the Live Wires. I'm excited since I've been watching the Long Way Up (you should check the show out if you haven't yet as it's look at the reality of electric motorcycle without being too harsh and some great scenery). I think the community is only going to grow.
Seriously great video about the kindness of the 2-wheeled electric riding community. Very heartfelt ⚡️❤️
One day the bug might take hold for now I'll live EV's through you cheers
Enjoyed this, so cool the EV community comes to your aid Sam. The mirror well that's at another level….all great people in reflection sorry about the pun. If London wasn't so dangerous I'd get an electric bike. Take care!