Join me in this New World video as we talk the patch notes for 1.0.4 which fixes alot of problems we were having.
Patch Notes:
Down Times:
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It broke the hole game.
Nice patch
Game is dying. Way to slow with the updates… major exploids are still in the game. So many bugs and the economy is to laugh about.
aka they nerfed the lifestaff
never seen a content creator have more fun reading patchnotes, thankful you're a part of the new world community! such great vids
I ve fallen in love SO hard with this game. I haven't exprienced a first love like that in over 10 years!
1 week later and I kinda quit the game because I realized how empty and garbage it actualy is.
Makes me sad because the potential was absolutely insane.
I want this game to succeed and I want to play it but right now, I have 0 trust in AGS, they released this 2 years too soon and now fuck this shit I m out.
guys….spell demone without the second E 0:
I'm done until fire staff and certain perks work correctly. When my fireball doesn't go through enemies completely, Imma take a break.
Yo guys what's the outro music i want it in my spotify playlist
Too bad everything is still clientside ๐
I honestly cant give this game anymore time, its major broken and 1 or 2 patches are not going to balance it out.
Server pop went from locked to 740 people on durning prime playing time. Wtf is going on.
Cancel your buy and sell orders or risk 100% loss
what are you talking about focus on content those fixes are nowhere near enough for what is still in the game and need to be addressed or would you rather have new content without fixing the base of the game and possibly add even more bugs with new content ? shits basically still in alpha and people already want new content
Wanted to work on my Weapon Smithing.
Took a look, Shields were pretty viable… and against logical thought (I assume since they tie in with Sword) they are Weapon Smithing.
Made 40 Shields at what should have been 330 Weapon Smith XP each. Got nothing but Territory Standing. Not Weapon Smithing XP, not Armor Smithing XP… just Territory Standing.
Wasted those mats. They need to fix this, hope it was fixed.
My buddies and I transferred with no issues!!!!
tried signing up for outpost rush today and it was disabled
I think they'll have to add cross server action. I have dozens and dozens of friends spread out over 5 or 6 dif servers. Kinda sucks
did they fix the hotspot for fishing Hahahaha nah
Thanks for covering the update Demone ๐
No where near enough to bring me back yet tho
Shocker US west is the first to be done and will be online asap, EU will probably have to wait 10 hours again.
I have invulnerability why worry about anything else. LOL
Outpost rush is finally back. Oh wait we fucked it up and it's gone again.
so you think they will fix the perks issue soon? and have they fixed the banning issue? i stopped playing the game but keeping up with it to see if they actually fix stuff, words are great but i think its a matter of time before people are able to fully abuse the client/server communication issues. I kinda see this going like No man's Sky went, were it launched like shit, but then took forever to be fixed and then after it was fixed they started monetizing it again. I dont see any new content coming to the game until like q2 of 2022, outside of MTXs. with how the economy and game works most end game players will burn out or get board in the coming months causing some of the issues that smaller servers are having now, they cant maintain towns because there isnt enough revenue from the taxes, cant defend from invasions, every region has t3 portals. but hey, maybe they can pull out some "Bioware magic" and get everything fixed in time. but i dont think that will be healthy for the game in the long run.
Dogshite gsme the more the patches come the more bugs come with them ๐
i hope they fix musket bugs . . .
Im getting the game tomorrow got any tips
Sorry for all caps, but: WITH THIS PATCH, THINGS THAT YOU SELL ON THE AH WHILE OFFLINE YOU WILL NOT GET THE MONEY FOR IT. Based on the fact they track their systems well enough to give the revenue back to companies owning territories I hope they'll do this as well.
Fixing the large ori veins is going to make Ebonrock farm even harder, because based on the way they worded it I'm assuming the amount of ore it drops puts it in two brackets of respawn timers. So now the 2-3 small nodes will respawn as fast as the large one's has been. Also, because we don't care about the ori itself, this just means an even slower farm for void ore.
Thanks Demone!
My concern is 1 faction is too big with most territories owned. Then all the noobs joining them.
They also shadow fixed the fire staff pillar of fire double and triple hit. It works as intended now.
Can we play outpost rush to increase our watermark?
patch notes are nice to bad the patch broke more than it fixed