A new study found that global warming contributed to massive flooding in many parts of the world, along with other weather-related disasters.
#climatechange #flooding #weather
A new study found that global warming contributed to massive flooding in many parts of the world, along with other weather-related disasters.
#climatechange #flooding #weather
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Today, there is no promise fulfilling people, scoundrels are getting dignity and honor, incapable and worthless are becoming the leaders, deterioration of modesty, ladies becoming naked even though they are wearing gowns, increasing sodomy and adulteration, increasing bustards on earth, boys and girls engaging in illegal sex even before puberty, flattening of earth, earth becoming illuminated and decorated, spontaneous destruction of crops, entering wild animals into human inhabitations, engulfing of land by seas, quick passing of time, remaining the Arabic text of Quran without Its soul, Mosques of Arabic Quran reading Fujjar become huge buildings where there is no Guidance, scholars of Fujjar become the worst creatures, etc. These are all indicating the Last Day (Doomsday) as taught by the Three-Time-Knower Lord through His Messengers. Lord has taught through his Messenger that during the Last era, the concentration point of men will be women. But today, it has become worse than that, the daughters are being raped by their fathers and grandfathers.
It is told in verse 6: 158: “What they are waiting except the Angels come to them or your Lord, or some of Lord’s signs come? Belief in them will not benefit to any soul who has not believed in them before, nor have they earned some good through their faith”. Now only the Ten Crucial Signs of Doomsday are remaining to appear that are taught by Lord through His Messenger. The Ten Crucial Signs of Doomsday are: “The sun rising from the west, the appearance of Antichrist, the second coming of Jesus, the smoke which spreads throughout the earth, the coming of the Beast from the earth, the appearance of Gog & Magog, the earth downing to deepness in three places (one in the east, other in the west and third in Arabian Peninsula), the fire from Yemen which leads the people to ‘Mahshara’ (the final Judgement place)”.
Lord has taught through His Messenger that before three years of the appearance of the last pseudo-prophet Antichrist (Maseeh-A-Dajjal), there will be a shortage of rainfall. Rainfall and cultivation will be less 4 by one-third in the first year, and two-third in the second year, and the third year there will be no rainfall as well as cultivation. Plants and trees will dry and wilt. All the water will evaporate, and mankind will be in great agony that even they have to eat their children to survive. Sun will rise from the west on that year, and the duration of that day will be equivalent to one year. On that day Antichrist will appear as the chief of the Israel Army. He will conquer the entire world except ‘Hejaz’ (Provinces including Mecca and Medina of Saudi Arabia). He is the utmost form of Satan with the ability to make rainfall and crops, and make the dead alive, and his sedition and destruction will affect the entire mankind. The Arabic Quran reading Fujjar all over the world who reject Adhikr (the Insight) will become his followers. There will be neither a scholar nor a common man who will not be attracted by the pseudo paradise of Antichrist. Antichrist will make copies of attractive ladies and gents using blood drops by means of cloning. Thus he will fulfill the sexual ambition of the Fujjar. After that, Lord will bring Jesus again on earth as explained in verse 43: 61, and he will kill the Antichrist. Then all the Fujjar (the true disbelievers) as mentioned in verses 4: 150-151 who had accepted Antichrist as a prophet and even as the lord will be killed by the other people belonging to the Messenger Muhammad’s community. Consequently, Jesus will rule the earth for seven years as Mecca as the capital.
For a detailed understanding, read the explanation of verses 4: 158-159 from Adhikr which is the Best Interpretation of the Lord’s Book as mentioned in verse 25: 33. It is mentioned in verses 22: 65; 30: 25; 33: 72 and 55: 7-9 that Adhikr is the Balance and the Trust to keep the universe in its equilibrium. Adhikr is the Splendid Book mentioned in verses 41: 41-43 and the Wise Reminder mentioned in verse 3: 58 through which the Impartial Lord has provided every solution for mankind to postpone or extend the dateline of earth’s Pole shift and thus increase the life of the universe.
Since this is the Last Period, the aim of publishing this book is to keep the universe in its equilibrium and forming harmony with mankind. So, it is an inevitable duty of those who receive this book to propagate among the whole of mankind irrespective of nation or religion.
Once climate change makes it impossible to grow grains at scale, all the deniers will become believers.
Does anyone out there CARE that these 3 – Bezos, Branford and Musk are contributing to fossil fuel emissions and GLOBAL WARMING of Planet Earth? They are adding to our already severe weather problems! If we can't even take care of this Planet Earth, why go out into space and pollute that too? I do not condone rockets poking more holes into our atmosphere.
It's not climate change idiot, its HAARP that the government is using. What about the chemtrails that are all over the place? They were never there when I was young. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. We the people are waking up, so be prepared for the wrath of God.
I am a Historian…I KNOW from the historical record that every few centuries our planet goes through serious climate change cycles… and few died or were seriously effected by the change…when the sea level rose 20 feet, they just moved!!!
From about 900AD uintil 1340AD there was a huge global warming event flooding coastal areas so people moved from Holland to England for example…Newfoundland had a warm climate seldom even had frost in the winter time… the Norse could sail the North Atlantic in open boats with no problem!!! The English grew better wine grapes than the french! Global Temps were several degrees warmer than today!!! The between 1340-1350 global temps plunged into an Ice Age, London's Thames river froze a couple feet thick ice for months in winter… it was not until the late 19th century that temps warmed up…
This global warming hype is %95 POLITICAL so the crazy people can run our lives… Nothing bad happened during the last global warming and the same will happen this time!
Ancient Egypt all of North Africa, the Sinai, Israel, was watered fertile and had large forests 2000 years ago! That is what the historians say!!! So stop being so silly delusional foolish!!!
Is the nature angry or the Creator?
Haggai 2:22
I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms; I will destroy the strength of the Gentile kingdoms. I will overthrow the chariots and those who ride in them; The horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.
Haggai 2:6-7
For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts.
Job 37
By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen. Also with moisture He saturates the thick clouds; He scatters His bright clouds. And they swirl about, being turned by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the whole earth. He causes it to come, whether for correction, or for His land, or for mercy.
Ezekiel 13
Therefore thus says the Lord God: “I will cause a stormy wind to break forth in My fury; and there shall be a flooding rain in My anger, and great hailstones in fury to consume it."
Every product has a manual, and so as the earth. The words of God is called an instruction of life and teaches how the inhabitants of the earth must live in order to obtain life and peace forever. We can see eternal life through a tree. You cut it down, but it grows back. The tree live forever because of their obedience to the Lord God. They give food and shelter to the people for free. The Creator rewarded them for their righteousness.
Religions do not tell you the complete truth about the Lord God but partially. They only teach He is the God of love. The words of God said He is a Government with laws and commandments. He defines righteous obedient and evil disobedient to His Law. Although He loves all His creatures, but He punishes sinners for hurting the righteous people. He controls all the living things with His Spirit. He uses evil to kill another evil and commands natures such as the wind, water, and clouds to plague the disobedient ones.
Mathew 7
But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.
The Law of Moses is the ways and righteousness of God and contains His laws and commandments. The Lord God sent it through Moses to teach the inhabitants of the earth how to live righteous life and reap the reward of obedience which is peace and eternal life. Whoever rejects it will be cut off. The children of Israel was almost cut off, and the country Israel was desolate for almost 2000 years for violating it. Lord Jesus was crucified to redeem His people in Israel from curse and death for transgressing the Law of Moses.
In our days, religions as Christian, governments and businesses reject the Law of Moses. As a result, the Lord God is sending His anger to manifest His judgment upon the violators. It will not stop until His people learn to obey His Law, and the disobedient ones perish. The Lord God will replace the world with His Kingdom where His people can live in peace. Choose life and peace by obeying it.
Isaiah 24
The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore the curse has devoured the earth, and those who dwell in it are desolate. Therefore the inhabitants of the earth are BURNED, and FEW MEN ARE LEFT.
Isaiah 26
For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.
The Spirit and the bride,
Daughter of Zion,
Mount Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem
Gabriel, angel of the Lord
Utter nonsense. These "climate wizards have been predicting another "ice age" or claiming "the planet is going to burn up" for over 100 years. I'll start in 1967 because going back 100 years is way too much to cover. In 1967 scientists predicted a major famine by 1975. Never happened. Not even a slight food shortage. In 1969 they said "everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam within 20 years." Obviously that didn't happen. In 1970 they said there would be “water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980.” Never happened. That same year they predicted "a new ice age by the 21st century." This was 11 years after they had said we were going to burn up "in a cloud of blue steam.” In 1971 they doubled down on the "new ice age" prediction. In 1974 they claimed "space satellites show new ice age coming fast." Still hasn't happened. In 1988 they changed their minds about the “new ice age” and claimed the heat was going to kill us. They predicted that “sea levels were going to rise from melting ice” and that “rising sea levels were going to swallow up many small islands within 20 to 30 years.” We haven't even come close to losing a single island ANYWHERE. They doubled down on that prediction in 1989 saying "Rising seas could obliterate nations by 2000." Never happened. There are hundreds of these "the world is going to end" predictions. Research it.
By the way, the "new green deal" is BS too. For example electric vehicles take 40 to 50 hours to fully charge. They need a minimum 3 to 4 hours to go even a short distance. Imagine everyone driving an electric vehicle and trying to use charging stations? Instead of a few gas pumps there will need to be hundreds of these charging stations in place of one gas station. No more 5 minute gas fill ups. That ought to be real fun especially if you are in a hurry. You'd better reserve a hotel and make restaurant reservations while your car charges, which will cost you another $150 dollars or more. Those who own electric vehicles with gasoline backup systems won’t be so inconvenienced but there are still major problems to consider. One of those problems is that the country already has major problems with our current power grid. Every summer cities call on people NOT to use their air conditioners 24/7. Many electric companies already shut down your AC during peak periods. So how do they propose to be able to charge hundreds of thousands, if not millions of electric vehicles? To deliver the electricity needed for these vehicles the government will confiscate, that means STEAL, thousands upon thousands of acres of land to build more power plants and more wind turbine and solar farms. Won't that make a beautiful scenic drive? Most of this land will be farm land as it is mostly level and already cleared of trees and stumps etc. This means families losing their property and their livelihoods. It also means less food grown to feed us! They will also have to increase coal and gas usage to backup the "clean energy" farms. The very fuels they say they want to get rid of. Remember what happened in Texas last winter when their "clean energy” grid froze up leaving people without power for days? That outage killed 69 people and caused 18 billion dollars in damages. They were very proud of that “green power” until then. Then you have the MASSIVE waste problem of wind turbines going bad, solar panels going bad and the cars battery systems going bad. These cars use 8 to 12 batteries that only last 6 to 10 years depending on usage, charging habits and extreme heat or extreme cold climates. Since the battery system is the most expensive part of the electric vehicle it will be like an appliance, cheaper to buy than to repair which means even more waste to manage and we will be forced into buying a new government mandated vehicle every 6 to 10 years. No more driving a good old gas vehicle for 20 plus years. Save your money folks because there is nothing cheap or green about the “new green deal”, err NIGHTMARE! And this is only the “electric vehicle” part of the bill, err NIGHTMARE!
Climate change action will not save the earth. If Heaven's Warnings Go Unheeded—…. cities full of transgression, and sinful in the extreme, will be destroyed by earthquakes, by fire, by flood. All the world will be warned that there is a God who will display His authority as God. His unseen agencies will cause destruction, devastation, and death. All the accumulated riches will be as nothingness…. Evangelism, p. 27.2
When the elite who keep talking about climate change are not walking the walk. Private jets everywhere, they are hypocrites!
Nothing will change, politics will get in the way as usual.
Nothing short of destroying capitalism and our current consumption around the world could stop the effects of climate change humanity has had its shot im not a climate activist I'm a climate doomer we're screwed
I don’t understand how people and government can keep denying when all the proof is in front of us. The lady says she hasn’t lost hope yet but we have to start now I would say good luck I don’t know how we can when this pandemic has shown me that profits matter over lives so we the human race are screwed. While governments across the world are fighting and debating we’re getting closer and closer to the cliff
Trumps fault
Please repent of your sins and turn to God brothers and sisters, the Kingdom of Heaven is near. I implore you to research biblical claims and prophesy.
What a load of CRAP
It's not too late if you are wealthy and obtuse like you guys are. What about people of Madagascar. I guess you think your privilege is going to extend to all emergencies. Wealth buys time,but not from consequences of fate
“STUDY URGES STEPS TO CURB EARTH'S WARMING” Special to the New York Times, Published: April 12, 1987
“…If there are no significant changes in government policies, the report said, global temperatures may rise 1.6 to 4.7 degrees centigrade in 30 years, an increase sufficient to melt some polar ice and cause sea level to rise one to four feet…”
…1.6degC and ONE FOOT sea level rise MINIMUM by 2017 – GISS temps. are only up ~0.6degC and sea levels have risen ~2 INCHES since 1987…
Since this whole issue was caused by computer projections I suggest we fix it with…more computer projections!
Brilliant, eh? I should get a Nobel Prize for this.
Hey, they gave Obama one for good intentions. I just saved the world. You’re welcome.
"we" is a lot of people. "they" are the few ones who did this so dont pass the blame on us…
Sheer folly! All of this hype and hysteria now, as if this all came out of left field. The psychological process is called "cognative dissonance", as in mass blindness to reality, until it bites you in the ass. The result; Now it is locked in, and much too late to correct. Reality check; Humans have always been a finite temporal species, and we are now seeing our near term extinction unfolding live on TV. Enjoy the show folks, it is an interesting spectical to be sure! Thanks Ginger. (sorry I know you have a parental obligation, but it IS too late), why don't you interview Guy McPherson?
Democrats don't miss any chance they get to push thier politics to the people. I'm so sick of the far left radical democrats creating chaos then act like saviors of a problem they created. Yes im saying liberal elites are manipulating weather
Adapt 2030, it's the Sun
Trump said there's no climate change . He knows everything so nothing to worry about…
Now that we have global warming is it ok to wear white after Labor Day?
♻️ WE CAN “Save the World” with Clean: Electricity, Tidal, Geothermal, Net-Zero Kit Homes, Mag-Lev Trains & local Solar Wind!!
♻️ PS: Electric Cars etc, are only as CLEAN as the Electricity still being made from Fossil Fuels!!
♻️ NOTE: “Population Control” is actually the “Greenest” Idea!!
How overpopulation and urban sprawl is fueling natural disasters around the globe.
it's the rich & the billionaires are causing climate change,they are the ones who are destroying the planet…not the poor people
So are the psychopathic "leaders" of the World and the Hidden Hand calling themselves "Climate Change" now? The headline says that is what is fueling all of these "Natural Disasters". LOL Natural disasters, my ass. These psychopaths have been controlling the "weather" with their rituals and technology for millennia. How ironic that the destruction of our "climate" thru "weather" and "flooding" and "fire" and "drought" and "famine" gets amped up to eleven at the precise time of the Great Reset they all keep salivating about? Time to wake up, people if you are not already. Hopefully, since we have been forced to endure the past almost two years of NON-STOP destruction, deceipt, chaos, confusion, fear, tyranny, as well as physical, mental, emotional, and psychological abuse at the hands of these psychopaths, we will live to see the wrath of God upon those who are destroying the World and His People.
Thank God they let us comment one of these Global Warming Videos.
Coming together might mean giving up McDonald's and Burger King.
iPhone and Samsung.
Xbox and Playstation.
It might mean letting go of capitalism and any -ism that we think has led us to the Best Alternative and start finding the Best Answers.
Competition can be healthy and Beneficial to both the World and Us.. if it is Together!
I don't need fancy names or options, just because I want them. The world can't afford it anymore and it may be our only means of conquering the planet.. i.e. moving away from, no longer needing its resources, and growing for a longer duration in the Universe. How sad it is to think we could go extinct, as well as be responsible for millions of other species going extinct in a drastically shorter period of time than that which existed in the prehistoric!!
Wow, this Ginger Lee is a pistol. Why doesn't she apply for a Climate Specialist position with the Bidden Administration? Anyway, she made mention of Madagascar, where they have a sustained drought. Well, since this is a fairly large and ancient island, why not set up desalinization plants there? Seems to me no large population, nowhere on this planet in this day and age, should be suffering like this. Not mentioned: Bangladesh and Indonesia. These countries are notorious low-lying areas where statistical modeling has suggested wholesale devastation come 2050. In fact, Bangladesh (population 166 million) will no longer exist as it will 100% submerged underwater. Then there's Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world, consisting of f 17,508 islands (6000 inhabited), which will lose 25% of its overall landmass, impacted a whopping 276 million people.
There is NO man made climate change. There are fools pushing this new religion / cult but the globe’s temperature has not risen since the year 2000. Fact check it out.
thanks 4 an informative in depth analysis. You might add a segment on how 51 billion tons of GHG added to atmosphere each year underlies the problem.
She's such a sweet lady but sadly, I don't think people care enough. I can't even get my 21 year old son to turn off the water when brushing his teeth. And public officials care about how much national debt we will leave our grandchildren but not about how we leave them our planet, it's odd.