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Our beloved son, Geumdol has got into a hit-and-run accident and is now… paralyzed. With dedicated love and care, we are desperately wishing for him to be able to stand and walk again… Will he have hope?
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Kritter Klub- Club for Critter Lovers
Looking for some critter stories? You are at the right place! We’re Korean animal lovers who have been filming critter stories from 2001 until now. That’s where the “K”
comes from! Join the club by subscribing to our channel, and enjoy two new videos posted daily!
Quick update on Geumdol on our community tab🙇**
Due to love and care from the guardians and Geumdol not giving up hope, he has MIRACULOUSLY been able to walk again!! ❤🐶
God bless This people and all other people who have a good heart and save,rescue,care and help all kind of animals.
God bless all animals on This earth, AMEN!!!🙏🙏🙏
Yalan dunya iyilik guzel hissdi iyilik 💖😍😘insanlik marhamet.en guzel varlikdi👍😘🌷💜💓🌼💖
Allah hatrina hayvanlara zarar vermeyin 😖😢
unlari koruyak sevek .Allah da guzel insanlari sevsin💖🙌😘🌼😍
May Godbless you all People with Good Heart ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Have they taken this beautiful dog 🐕 to a vet. I know these people are trying to help the beautiful dog but purple spray isn't going to help
Am plins la videoclipul dvs. Sunteți unicat în comportament față de acest câine. Vă doresc multă sănătate, tot binele din lume, Dzeu să vă ocrotească pașii. Respectul meu pentru dvs., și tuturor participanților la lupta de a reabilitate acest suflet iubit.
Que tristeza ver al perrito gracias a la señora que lo cuida Dios le de fuerzas a la señora para seguir cuidando al perrito y que lindo perrito
Gue nangis ga tega liatnya…
Itu persis anjing gue …
Que bueno que se curo…que dios lo bendiga y lo cuide
Good for older exercise
Thank you.
Omg im going to cry😭😭😭😭😭
Hermosos seres humanos por que se ve lo grande de sus 💕 al seguir cuidando a su 🐶 asi se necesitan muchos seres humanos en el mundo thanks for your help 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🙏🙏🙏
Esto muestra indiscutiblemente que es mejor prevenir que lamentar! Extremos precauciones en el cuidado de nuestras mascotas!
Todo gracias al amor!!❤❤❤
Che bonito. Gracias por rescate🤗
This video made me end up in tears
انتي حقا رائعه ويعجز اللسان عن قول اي شيئ انتم اسره جميله وحنونه وطيبه بكل معنا الكلمه شكرا على.مخافتكن من الله
Hope u never die..🙂if u dindt exist all these poor animals was not so healty
MAIS QUEL TRISTESSE , toute cette souffrances pauvre loulou merci à cette merveilleuse famille
Smg yg menabrakny MENDAPAT GANJARAN dari ALLAH…
What a nice lady….she really love and care of her dog.God Bless You
Thank You
Thank you for saving man*s best friend, but I wonder why is it that the person who hit the dog, didn*t stop to help pick up the dog.
😭😭🐕🐕🐕…kurang ajar juga tu mobil tabrakin, oh..Tuhan lindungilah,slamatkanlah..🐕🐕…
Obrigada por cuidar e amar ele obrigada..
My heart is breaking. 🙁 poor doggy. 🙁
Que casal maravilhoso 💝que amam o 🐕 e esse cão tem muito amor para dar a eles tbm 💝
Cómo sacáis estas cosas?????
Flm shum doktorve flm rsp se ZOTI to