Fails Of The Week
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Video inspired by Failarmy
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Thank you
0:30 just for the intention of polluting the river
6:58 "how to tell someone you have a booze problem, without saying you have a booze problem."
Of course our Canadian money rips. It's 'plastic' or technically "polymer".
Just doesn't rip as easily as paper money. It does crack and melt too though.
BTW- even if it rips all the way through(like paper money) you can tape it together and stores(etc) have to accept it.. or take to the bank for an exchange for replacement bills. As long as the serial numbers match properly on bank notes.
the more you know
The guy with the scale. 🙂
He threw the keys=literally me sometimes
Music at the end is super loud. Need to normalize volume.
3:16 – wtf? lol
7:00 How the f*** did she not die? Is that not toxic?
0:08 improperly built wall… not the guy's fault… still hilarious
Felt bad for all those car accident clips. They were not even provoking anyone and still got bumps
Whats the outro song?
Dämliche Katzeviecher.
00:45 Tony Fawk!
I just realized what is the karma mean*** sorry 😐
the jock one killed me
The two guys praying really got me😂
I felt terrible for the pizza delivery guy 😔
💭💢I just love it when I get the notification that says "Someone has liked your comment" or "Someone has subscribed!" From All Call of Duty Supporters!😍💭
Omg first