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Without Volcanoes this planet be doomed but downside we might get wiped out too the biggest one's like Yellowstone cuz natural selection type of stuff
Yellowstone was mentioned for about 4 seconds of this 10 minute video… change the title perhaps?
Yellowstone is the least of our worries Yellowstone is broken It will not erupt and my burp and fart a little bit but that's it The main concern is the supervolcano off the coast of Japan that you can put seventy-five Yellow stones inside of it It is a global killer and it's waking up and it's bubbling and everything else it's going that one is going to erupt along with the ones up north So keep your eyes on that
It's gonna be one hell of a mess 👍🏽😳
Short answer: We're doomed.
English subs is not working~~
Why not just drill a new path and create controlled "eruptions" so the planet does it's thing but prevent it from being so devastating to life?
Even Yellowstone has had enough of Biden and the Democrats shit.
The earth isnt cooling down, you're just regurgitating wikipedia
you cant even drill 12km down without running into heat levels that damage drilling equipment.
Because the earth rotates, and is also a large enough body, its core super rotates in the direction of planetary rotation.
That means the core spins faster than the outer bits. This in the vacuum of space and in spite of incredible friction (that's why the planet isnt cooling)
It's general relativity: a lock at the center of the earth is going to be running faster than one at the surface. This delta in clock times resolves itself by the core ripping free and spinning ahead
it also creates our magnetosphere
This doesn't concern me! Now is the moon is really made of cheese is the real question.
Orlando would be fine, we Gucci
We can only hope…. 🙂
Krakatoa sounds like something from Moana
It won't. Under 10% molten material, its not blowing anytime soon.
Please do
This is why climate change is a NATURAL OCCURRENCE that happens within the eons of the earth's life cycle.
So much for Biden Harris & AOC Global Warming Theory
Thumbnail is clickbait. Shame!
So basically, the entire USA could theoretically get wiped out, but it's ok cuz it's good long term for the planet…
Skip to 4:51 if you want to see the content the title has baited us with.
Wtf there was literally nothing about specific results of Yellowstone erupting!
I'm dead then
Me: CAn wE BuILd A NeTHEr POrtAL😀
Neat, but someone can’t convert I’m to miles properly
How would Japan have looked like if it never had volcanoes? And if the tectonic plates were faraway from it?
in 2086 it will Blows Up
A flood basalt eruption would be about 4000x bigger than Yellowstone. I believe there have been 3 of those in earths history, each causing a mass extinction event.
So basically either way volcanos will kill us if we don’t let them erupt then we die if we do we still die 👍
something you didn't really cover though was What If Yellowstone Blows Up In 2021?
Best voice on earth
Yellowstone won’t erupt it’s extinct because it has no lava and no ash, only the geysers and water hot springs are active
Volcano erupt: were fucked lol
We stop Volcano to erupt: were fucked lol
Mother Nature: Lol fun
1912!? A ship sank I in 1912 guess what ship?
At 1:25, miss spell, what whud hapend if vulkanos go exstinct. Pff, noting. Maybe wanted to say activ or someting.
Liked it BUT the 'assumption' of when, and how Mars lost it's atmosphere was a tad 'abrupt' considering we have no 'actual' timeline so any figure is guesswork and should, if not said, implied. 😎
I hope it blows up
God it can't happen soon enough so this insanity that is our country ends
what if most these other planets already went through there mass extinctions and we are along the way
Guess we die
After 10 million years later. Nope you have To wait little bit longer.
If it is going to do it in 2021 it's going to have to hurry up as this year is almost over now 64 days or so left
If Yellowstone blew up then half of America would disappear. We can only hope.
and they said living in florida was a bad thing🙄