Let’s Play Cities Skylines Natural Disasters: Taking on the “By The Dam” Hard Scenario. Well, we expected a disaster but this…! WOW Enjoy & share 🙂
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➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short
➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster: https://goo.gl/hgXj4c
➤Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods: https://goo.gl/LBzkua
➤Cities Skylines: Snowfall DLC: https://goo.gl/jD8g5G
➤Cities Skylines: After Dark DLC: https://goo.gl/MCNlgW
➤Cities Skylines: Heavenly Island Map: https://goo.gl/bVZGsE
➤Cities Skylines: https://goo.gl/iO3cjK
Rynos Theme Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
➤Cities Skylines Natural Disasters (Release Date November 29th 2016) – http://store.steampowered.com/app/515191/
Natural Disasters features a catalog of catastrophes to challenge mayor-players everywhere, including planning with early warning systems and emergency routes, devastating and destructive disaster effects, and caring for the populace as they struggle to rebuild. The expansion will also update Cities: Skylines with a new scenario editor and gameplay mode, allowing players to finally win – or lose – the game on their own terms.
Feature List
Deep, Impactful Gameplay: Keep your city going through the devastation of several possible doomsday scenarios, from towering infernos to the day the sky exploded.
With Great Power Comes Great Response Abilities: Plan for, and respond to, disasters using early warning systems, countermeasures, and new disaster responses such as helicopters and evacuations – finally, a Paradox game where “Comet Sighted” actually means something.
An Objectively Good Feature: Scenario Mode – Natural Disasters expansion includes 5 pre-made scenarios to challenge disaster masters, with custom game objectives such as starting cities, win conditions, time limits, losing conditions and more! The Natural Disasters Scenarios expands on the Scenario Editor, which is a free update for all players that allows them to create and share their own custom made scenarios.
Chirpocalypse Now: Heck yeah, new hats for Chirper
Radio Saved the Video Game: A new broadcast network is introduced, helping to rapidly spread evacuation warnings and emergency alerts.
#citiesskylines #citiesskylinesnaturaldisaster #biffa #biffaplays #biffa2001
THATS EXACTLY WHAT IWANT TO SEE!! at least every 2-3episodes a disaster that does a bit or EXTREME damage and then rebuilding and fotifying 1-2 episodes to then be ready for more BOOOMS!! LOVE IT!!!(subscribed for that! 😀 )
There was only a little bit of water, sure it’s ok.
Update: it was not ok
May ur dam rest in peace
is the landscaping and disaster tool still a thing in 2021 in city skylines cuz I don't have it
The fact that the meteor was not player-targeted right at thr base of the dam is classic!! I think this has been my favorite episode so far. Thank you for the laughs, I needed them. BTW, when i play Skylines, ill say stuff like 'I got that sorted', and ' that looks brilliant' in my best British accent, all because of you. lol.
Hello from 2021
That helicopter pilot must come from the SAS
You’re going to live beside the wall, what a great place to live! 🤣
Watching this for the first time, should’ve dug a channel beside the wall for when it comes over and it leads to the ocean
If it's any consolation I wasnt prepared for it either.
Is this game for the phone also?
Hey its charles
did you ever do it? i have tried 5 times almost got it.. but , dang!! cheers!!
0:13 I’m pretty sure that the first thing we we’re looking at
@16:00 that was the laugh I needed in 2020.
5:52Biffa tried to get the rail line through
The best thing would have been to immediately rebuild the dam, before the water even moved
Ahhh yes…
The beautiful view of the polluted water outside, the sound of the train passing by, and the sky filled with industrial smoke…
I'm disappointed in the lack of funny comments about the submarine helicopter.
LMAO 🤣 that heli
I have a bigger population ;D
Where can I get one of these submarine helicopters?
Build all emergency and rescue devices on high ground.
I really wanted the game
That helicopter was BOSS!!!! Under water helicopter!!! 😂😂😂
Atlest they aren't complaining about water anymore
Oh no
The disasters in this scenario are scripted regardless of settings. The meteor strike you see in this video, is devastating no matter how much precautions you take. I had 2 deep canals running from a point near the dam, elevated land on both sides of the river, then fortified that with flood walls on top, and even after all that, still lost 4000 citizens and had to take out the 200k loan to stave of bankruptcy until after recovery. The closest I’ve been able to get with this set up is 57,000 population at the 300 week mark. 8000 short of success.
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