The living are the priority after a natural disaster, but what is done to safeguard and identify the dead?
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Co-Op Funeral Home in Seattle: http://funerals.coop/
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Mortician: Caitlin Doughty
Writing & Research: Louise Hung (@LouiseHung1)
Editor & Graphics: Landis Blair (@landisblair)
“World Health Organization — Management of dead bodies: Frequently asked questions”
“WHO — Risks posed by dead bodies after disasters”
Canadian Journal of Infections Diseases and Medical Microbiology, “Natural disasters, corpses and the risk of infectious diseases”
Management of Dead Bodies After Disasters: A Field Manual for First Responders, Second Edition
“Puerto Rico Is Burning Its Dead, And We May Never Know How Many People The Hurricane Really Killed”
Watching this to de-stress from work
And no safe drinking water.
Cholera is always an issue. Especially when there’s standing water and inadequate sewage treatment.
I would love to see an updated version of this after the pandemic!
world is still on fire in 2021…and as a worker in the museum and heritage industry I gotta say the way you talk about respecting and handling corpses is very much how I have photographed and handled and documented various (non human) remains.
Handwashing….who would have thought….
Great vid Caitlin, still washing our hands in 2021.
Oh yeah goddess of the dead. It's always A PROJECT. Thank you for this. Philadelphia USA
The whole thing about people thinking a dead body that isn’t…..fresh…..still perplexes me. Any living organism’s main goal from a biological standpoint is to basically live, then reproduce as much as possible before dying, and if it’s host dies…..it no longer has it’s free ride or ‘lifeline’.
Thanks to trucks
And, shorter trailers, slang..pup refeer trailer. Can freeze and refrigerate. To minus 20 degrees ferinheght
Trucking term..reefer trailer
Refrigerated trailers. Trucks
This kinda reminded me of the Haun's Mill Massacre in Missouri in the 1700s, when a mob massacred a community of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Obviously this isn't a natural disaster, and the mob stuck around for a while afterwards so how does the temporary burial procedure work?
What about the 2004 Indonesia Tsunami? There were over 230,000 of dead to deal with. Must have been a mammoth undertaking.
“the world seems to be on fire”
August 2021…..I can confirm…THE WORLD IS DEFINITELY BURNING!
A good friend of mine was killed in a fire recently. Who would have been the photographer of their body after the fire?
Proof that the world has been burning for a while now
2021 shout out
You may be "just a mortician…on YouTube…", but you have more sense and sincerity than a lot of people in government.
So, I'm like 3 years late, but, fun fact! those body ID tags she showed? They are the same ones used for all casualties in a mass disaster, they are waterproof, assign everyone a unique code to go with them if they need medical care, and staff can easily assign a triage number, or priority for treatment, usually by folding the card. Those same medical staff will also mark the person as dead, folding the card to be black with the number out. These cards can be tied around wrists, or on a lanyard around the neck, or even just handed to the walking wounded. They aren't perfect, but are simple, user-friendly, cheap, and easy to store and provide a way of keeping track of everyone, including the dead.
Thank you for this video! 😊🌹
What was on fire in 2017? I've forgotten
I would be curious as to your IQ level. Daft I know but you are so articulate and beautifully spoken. I'd also love to know how many proposals you've had as a result of these YouTube videos. Also silly but then, I probably wouldn't be the first… were I good enough for you! I Adore your work on here and, yes, I think you're lovely. I'm also too damn old (57) for that.
We should have listened to her then we were so, so immature
4:52 thought i was watching an emmymade video
World Health Organisation.
World Health Organisation!
Yeah ik i said WHO!
Thank you for your channel. I have heard they (unsure who the they are) exhuming the victims of the Tulsa massacre. I was wondering your thoughts and what they (again unsure of the they) are hoping to accomplish. For history or healing?
Im at 1 second and wondering if you are going to talk about hurricane Katrina. I lived in Slidell, La on the outskirts of New Orleans. I had just turned 17 that month.
I will never forget the bodies floating in the water… the wild animals and dogs fighting over corpses. The smell of death, mud, and mold everywhere. The National Guard would enter a house and if there were bodies inside they spread a X with the number of people or pets inside that died. Then move on to the next house.
So many people are still missing and every now and then they will find bones belonging to the victims. The most horrific scene I saw was the body of a girl around 8 to 10. Her frilly pink socks and hair bows bobbing up and down in the water. She was lying face down in about 6 inches of water.. she was all by herself and I wanted to be with her by the NG kept us moving on. I was thinking "someone stay with her. At least pull her out of the water."
My heart still aches for that baby. I hope with all my heart that she is resting with her family and loved ones now.
Rest In Peace little one.
<3 <3 Knowledge.
Me watching this in 2021 =🍷🍷🍷🍷
6:41 Truer words have never been said….. 😳😳 Cough cough Covid.
"corpses don't pose a health risk…unless it's ebola or the like…"
2020-20whatever… "Hold my beer".
This whole video needs to be shown again for the new subs/world to see in 2021!
Wash yer hands people! Love this channel!
Laughs in 2021
Last year sucked.
6:41 it's amazing how so many problems can be solved by washing hands……yes ms.doughty….. if only we know
Love the Macbeth reference
3:40 So here I am Binge watching your videos and I get caught off guard by this. Thank you for mentioning it! Back then our government was trying to play it cool like it wasn't that bad and that they had control (As governments do lol) while everyone else was doing their best to help each other and stick together. So I really appreciate you helping to bring awareness to it ^_^
Such a good video until the last few moments when you should have just said ' But forget what I just said to you up to this point because if your natural disaster happens to be a pandemic, it appears all bets are off, all logic and reason to be disregarded by the people in power, there will be no room for commonsense here. The government will choose to 'Let the funeral homes figure it out' while they continue to slap each other on the arse, congratulating each other on another job well done. Which I might add, is not practicing social distancing!
Phew! Ok rant over💜luv ur work Caitlin girl!🇦🇺
What about the late recovery of bodies leading to decomposition with rats roaming the site, eating them and then visiting tents with living people in?
"Amazing how many problems can be solved by washing your hands". I had to look at the upload date… It truly is amazing!
She had bo idea
6:40… well this video aged well.
I’m watching this in 2021, and the “It’s amazing how many problems can be solved by washing your hands” really hit different
I just bought three of your books, SO EXCITED!!!! Can't wait to read them!