Seven. Hundred. Million. Cubic. Liters.
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Can you make a story about MULLAPERIYAL DAM situated in kerala, india
Drawing attention to the Mullaperiyar Dam situation in Kerala (India) right now!!!
Save mullaperiyar dam save kerala
In South India a dam named mullaperiyar . The dam life is only up to 50 years but unfortunately 126 th year is now . The dam risking 40 lakh people life.
We don't want that disaster ..
#Decommission #Mullaperiyar
Please do a episode with 126years old Mullapperiyar dam(kerala), that affects 50lakh people and their life.
Decommission the dam and Save kerala..
Pleased do an analysis on the Mullaperiyar earthen dam in kerala which is 125 years old
മലയാളികൾ കാണുന്നുണ്ടോ
can you do a video on The Mullaperiyar dam.
Next Mullaperiyar from Kerala…Next it will …it will become world largest Dam Crash
I would like to bring your attention to a similar topic. A potential disaster larger than banqiao disaster with almost 3.5 million deaths and a wipe out of half a state. A dam that is included in UN University's "to be immediately decommissioned" list. A dam situated in South India's State Kerala called 'Mullaperiyar Dam ' which is 126 years old as of now. This is a hot topic here since it is a matter of political issues and land dispute. Even our political leaders aren't addressing this issue. This topic should also be taken to international media so that more people gets aware of this and could join together to prevent this disaster.
A similar situation can happen any time in South India- kerala due to a 126 old Mullapperiyaar dam. Decommissioning chances are rare due to dispute between 2 States..https://youtu.be/kGVYu1SIrNo
Next dam disaster will be in kerala's mullaperiyar dam
Its a version of our mullaperiyar dam☹️if we still didn't take any action to decommission the dam this will happen
We the people of kerala are facing a fatal reality, the mullaperiyar dam which is 126 years old will collapse soon and about 3-5 million lifes will be lost in one single day. We are living under a ticking water bomb. So please support us and save kerala, India🇮🇳
#savekeralabrigade #decommission_mullaperiyar_dam
#kerala #mullaperiyar #india
Just not this name "MULLAPERIYAR DAM"💥
Next is mullaperiyar dam situated in kerala,india 😭
in Kerala (INDIA ) one dam called mullaperiyar, that was in very poor condition its made by british government for 50 years use. but now its 126 old. we are carry a water bomb with the knowledge of our goverment. no one take action against this issue… maybe after few months or years me and my peoples die on dam collapse….
Save kerala