How Animals Learn To Hunt | Deadly Game | Real Wild

How Animals Learn To Hunt | Deadly Game | Real Wild
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Watch adorable baby polar bears, cheetahs and more grow up and learn how to hunt their prey. Three polar bear cubs growing up in harsh sub zero temperatures have to learn quickly that without a good kill, they’ll never be able to survive the punishing winters. Tiny baby crocodiles copy their mother’s hunting patterns to take down animals twice their size. Meanwhile, four cheetah cubs discover what life is like without the protection of their parents, and figure out the best ways to stalk their dinner.

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  1. I know from what the narrator says is the predators killing of grazing animals is negligible. All the large cats numbers declined precipitously while there are literally millions of herbivores still cover the African Savannah's.

  2. while this is a very well made video – great info etc., it's title is "learning to hunt/kill" and I was hoping to see young predators learning hunting techniques from adults. Not the case

  3. Them female cheetahs are dumb, if they didn't chase away the cubs father, I know they'd stay and help, just like the male tiger, more often than not, stick around and help raise the cubs

  4. I think polar bears are at their most beautiful when they're adults, sometimes the cubs just aren't so cute. Just like human babys, they ALL go through an ugly faze, just like all 4 of mine and my 2 grandbabies

  5. How do they get these awesome camera shots? Especially the ones inside the mama polar bears den with the cubs? That'd be an interesting videos of behind the scenes.

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