Aula + Quiz em http://www.voceaprendeagora.com/video/natural-disasters-ii/293/
Aula do curso de ingles voce aprende agora mais natural disasters (desastres naturais). Na aula passada voce aprendeu thunderstorm (tempestade), thunder (trovao), hurricane (furacao), strong winds (ventos fortes), heavy rains (chuvas pesadas). Hoje voce aprende agora: lightining (raio). Yesterday there was a big thunderstorm with lightning (ontem teve uma grande tempestade com raio). Lightning (raio). Floods (enchentes). There was a big flash flood after the thunderstorm (teve uma grande enchente rapida depois da tempestade). There was a big wildfire in the forest (teve um grande incendio na floresta). Wildfire (incendio). Because of the climate changes there was a big hailstorm last week (por causa das mudancas climaticas teve uma grande chuva de granizo semana passada). Hailstorm (chuva de granizo). Lightning (raio). Wildfire (incendio). Flood (enchente). See you next class!
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See you next class!
Great lesson teacher! See you next class!
Hi teacher, I have a doubt. The word "wildfire" is only used for the fire in the forest? Is it right to speak "there was a wildfire in the office building"?
Hi Hehehe! There was – havia/tinha. There was a question here. Do you understand? See you next class!
Porque, "There was"? Quando utilizo essa expressão?