Mikey Reacts To NNear Death Experience Compilation EP #2 ( Let’s Watch ) taking a look at People in amazing near death experiences almost died but surviving thankfully! Incredible Near Death Experience Crash Compilations at The MegaVerse with instant Karma, Road Rage, Near Death on Go Pro accidents and other Near Death Experience Compilation videos where people survive and live to tell the tale by the skin of their teeth! MikeyMegaMega reacts!
The Megaverse is the place for everything Mikey when I’m not doing Art! Great to have you! So Let’s Watch along as we react to the latest trailers, memes, cringe, compilations and all sorts of other videos, so let’s get lost down the rabbit hole of all the amazing crazy content that can be found on YouTube and the rest of the internet!
Recorded Live over at https://www.twitch.tv/mikeymegamega come hang out and don’t forget to follow me on twitter! https://twitter.com/megamegaverse
The original video we watched can be found here! httpswww.youtube.comwatchv=7dROYEyPN44
#reaction #neardeath #carcrash
Can you please react to the lady of heaven trailer
absolutely not the forklift guy's fault, maybe for breaking the one pallet he hit directly it is, but the only reason all that shit crumbled from a single tiny graze is the dickhead who thought it was smart to make colossal shelves made out of like matchsticks and set them like dominoes, in a place that a forklift is constantly going through.
Yo I enjoyed this video u made my day
If you look closely, it seems the bloke was checking his phone!
Yeah I climb up a ladder and I'm like nope. Not today
yeeeey new vid