Mama cat wouldn't leave her Babies behind – Rescue of Homeless Mother Cat and her Kittens

Mama cat wouldn't leave her Babies behind - Rescue of Homeless Mother Cat and her Kittens
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Mama cat wouldn’t leave her Babies behind – Rescue of Homeless Mother Cat and her Kittens

There is nothing sweeter than a mother cat’s love for her kittens. Mallory – a careful homeless mother cat that will not leave her kittens with outside dangers. She always tries to protect their babies in the safest way and never believes anyone 💗

Source: msniqueen – Tiktok
A Lady Rescues a Stray Kitten Found In The Garage – Rescue Animals


#rescuseanimal #abandonedcats #cats

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About the Author: Ginger Cat


  1. Its so sad that some people would neglect such precious animals out there to die. But people with real love always show that they care. Thats more love than ever. Not god with words at this moment but im glad these babies are now cared for. And safe.

  2. Good mama, in bad shape herself. Thank you for helping. My heart is heavy knowing do many never get this help! I keep hearing we can't save them all. It kills my soul 💔 😪

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