I don’t think running around in circles will save your life in these situations.
Originally, this was gonna be just earthquakes, since stuff goes flying out the stratosphere alot in those rounds. But when it started happening with other disasters, I ultimately went with that.
By the way, that shuttle is a death trap. Don’t try piloting it.
Bullet Station – Sonic Heroes
Neat subversion of expectations.
what the helicopters at 2:13
rocket at 1:48 everyone do the flop the launch pad, rocket holder and rocket holder 2 at 1:58 ok, rocket! XD
recently saw two blokes flying around like ghosts on natural disaster and i almost pissed myself from laughing at the two of them
Old Natural Disaster Survival Physics Are Messed Up So Hard
I saw this once the parts went ON THE TOWER and it was like a magnet parts went so fast that they even killed a few in the lobby lol
Roblox physics
Hi Baneworth!
There Has Been So Many Updates To Food Escape 2 I Think You Should Go Check It Out!
ALSO I Have A Good Channel
You Don't Have To But Pls Check It Out Ok BAI XD