It’s that very important time in our rescue German Shepherd puppies’ lives called the critical socialisation period or early exposure period, where they need to experience as much as they possibly can to prepare them for a well adjusted adult life.
They’re getting more opportunities than most puppies at this time, especially those born into a rescue/shelter situation.
Everyday they have lots of time with dogs of all sizes, ages and breeds. They get lots of exposure to different people; children, babies too.
Today they joined mum Lucy for their very first swim. They all put on their doggy life jackets and headed to the dam with mum.
They played along the shore, in the sand. They even went for swims following mum in. The bigger girl (the most timid of them all) actually swam out across the dam with mum which was very impressive.
Everything was important and positive for them. Even being handled by Elle and Evie; being picked up, dried off etc. These moments are really important. All 3 of the puppies are developing such loving affection towards the kids.
After their swim we dried them off with towels and also a quick blow dry. Another great thing for them to get used to.
They’re doing so well and it’s been fun for the whole family to get involved in their development.
And now it’s soon time for them to start school. Training will commence in a week’s time. We’re all excited to watch these puppies further develop into the best little doggies they can be.
Not a fan of how hard you pull on the lifesaver straps firms good enough they couldn’t even get up on the platform because they were so tight,didn’t even notice them struggling to swim because of it,not to mention restricting the blood flow👎
I take it you live in the part with out crocs?
Thank you all so much it made my week & so needed the fluff.
Those are wonderful little pups! Haven't seen Bobby in a while did he get his forever home? I hope so!! He is a bundle of love.
RESCUE? In the UK they ave=..$4000 each! Any loose dog is scooped up in mins to find the owner C/o micro chip.
🤣he said get that thing off my brothers then was his turn 🤣 nooo he got me 😂then the mother will take a swim and also check on her babies to see if they ok💕🎀 I love this so much it had me n tears 😭😭💌
Very good work!!👏👏👏👏💪✨
My face hurts from all the smiling. Bravo! 🥰
God bless the work you do for the doggies…
I love you guys. Wish you would get on Rumble as there are way too many ads on YouTube.
Cute, sweet, darling puppies!
Love it…. thank you 💙🐕🐾🐾🐕🐾🐾🐕🐾🐾🇨🇦
I've never seen anything so stupid in my life. Dogs can swim. This is about selling more junk.
Your children are absolutely adorable!! They are the sweetest!!
Absolutely fantastic, you are a star mate, seeing what you do for the love of dogs and it goes further than that really, just brilliant what you do! 🥰😍👍👏
The pups are absolutely adorable!
I feel my resolve weakening….I really want a doggo now, and a puppy would be best…must resist temptation. So cute.
68 K views! Everybody loves puppies!
I would absolutely love to have one of them I used to have them back in the day there great dogs
You have a beautiful family. You have a big heart for animals.💜
Seeing your children is such an added bonus to these videos….
I love German shepherds. The puppies are adorable!
The pups were fearless. Pretty good swimmers. Momma Lucy showed them how much fun it is. So fun watching these little ones! Seeing the girls interact with them was priceless! 💖💖💖💖💖 From NW Ohio, USA
Loved that again thanks Sam and Luke and all the great HelpersxxxxMo❤️🐕👧👧🏄❤️
Such a fun watch! 🥰🥰🥰
Lucky Lucy and her puppies !
I liked this video, it seems that everyone enjoy the day and have so much fun, the parents, the dogs, and the puppies, happy to see those animals with this caring family😍💜
Do they need life jackets?
Now that was a lot of fun for everyone 😂👍👍🇦🇺
adorable, made my day. you definitely have an aura every one of the dogs love you
That is very wholesome viewing!
What a beautiful doggie day so so sweet 🥲