Death note cosplay | Tik Tok compilation #1 IloveU. mp3 — November 6, 2021 35 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist sorry for the long hiatus I am back credit goes to the Cosplayers love you all source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
random dreaming about having the death:*destroying all human*me dreaming about having the death:*destroying carona*
I have an L cosplay and because i don't own dark contacts (i have blue eyes) i look like jeff the killer wearing a long sleeved shirt
Hey I'm back sorry for the short upload will be back uploading more and more love you all
0:33 – 0:44 Bro That Transition is so smooth

I didn’t like the ending of death note it was sad
0:38 omfg
random dreaming about having the death:*destroying all human*
me dreaming about having the death:*destroying carona*
I have an L cosplay and because i don't own dark contacts (i have blue eyes) i look like jeff the killer wearing a long sleeved shirt
What is the name of the name 1:45?
1:45 what is this song
“I couldn’t dream about living in a world without light “
L: yes it would be dark
Oooo. Disgusting so much

Paia né, guys
First light was creepy indeed
Cringe as f,ck i hope they die for doing this dumb b*tches
the first is real
Light is probably the only psychopath i'll ever love
6:40 song?
Damn Ryuk is soo good
1:45 l after solving the case
Can you tell me the song which was in intro
the first one tho–

Cringe af
Dose anyone know the name of the song in the intro?
8:12 that innocence and facial expressions wow
Light cosplay artist looks like girl
I love how long holds the phone. I'm gonna hold mine like that
This video is shit
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