See what three degrees of global warming looks like | The Economist

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If global temperatures rise three degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the results would be catastrophic. It’s an entirely plausible scenario, and this film shows you what it would look like.

00:00 – What will a 3°C world look like?
00:57 – Climate change is already having devastating effects
02:58 – How climate modelling works
04:06 – Nowhere is safe from global warming
05:20 – The impact of prolonged droughts
08:24 – Rising sea levels, storm surges and flooding
10:27 – Extreme heat and wet-bulb temperatures
12:51 – Increased migration and conflict
14:26 – Adaptation and mitigation are crucial

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Listen to an episode of “The Intelligence” podcast about a 3°C world:

What would different levels of global warming look like?

How climate modelling works:

Read about the IPCC’s starkest warning yet about climate change:

What to look out for at COP26:

Why the COP26 climate summit will be both crucial and disappointing:

Broken promises, energy shortages and covid-19 will hamper COP26:

Why damage from climate change will be widespread and sometimes surprising:

Children born today are likely to face seven times more extreme weather events than their grandparents:

How to prepare for rising sea levels:

Podcast: The growing risk of deadly heatwaves:

The danger posed by heatwaves needs to be taken more seriously:

What if firms were forced to pay for frying the planet:


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About the Author: The Economist


  1. All this is a part of life
    Change is inevitable. We can only do our best to change our way of living but honestly I think it's a battle lost

  2. What about recycling the showers wasted water for home pool reservoires? We all know how waterfalls are natural refreshing systems, giving oxygen the atmosphere nearby and each single house should work as a tree by now, it might become even the most successful new economy and welfare strategy for the future, veggies are our salvation fans

  3. You can pay a visit from my behalf, some bio research labs to check, which vegetals are biggest smog eaters? Wild roses or wild beans climbing vegetals? Usually there were used green natural baricades against wild animals to end up on highways, the best anti crashes filters and how many green walls should be planted of wild bushes to eat the traffic smog? You can do a lot of great things guys, we have all the solutions to manage the situation before its too late, its a matter of survival, journalists can make the difference indeed, when each individual can get the proper tips about the matter

  4. There are the clouds and storm maps by now, what if digging some ditches and holes to give space rain water to stop at least for a while, for the next artificial lake and for using the rivers as waterfall refreshing architectures, what a wonderful world this could be fans think about it Ok?

  5. I think students might have a lot of fun, trying to understand, each family how much oxygen is burning, how many seeds must be planted to neutralize each family's pollution, next to lemon trees, how many more veggies are so cute as home decorations, even beans or corn, grass or grain, cereals or peaches, if possible an entire wall filled of shelves for leaves to refresh the air. If you try to watch some more Sci Fi movie fantasies, yeah, mass media can do a lot of great things indeed

  6. Newspapers & journalists can help a lot, each time you do the groceries, try to pick up fresh organic veggies so you could use the seeds and let them smog eaters grow up, maybe there will not give you fresh tomatoes apples or lemons, but having green leaves all around the house is. ..a heavenly bliss fans, mostly for kids and for each one's home conscience l think we can do a lot of great things indeed

  7. Scientists only can predict fear….in my country Pakistan indeed Jackabad are extreme heated region…. But the rest of country is doing fine in weather field…..If Allah created this universe…..Allah knew to sustain this universe up to the time of world end…..everything in this universe are temporary we all belong to other universe….everyone prepare themselves for the going to other universe…..turn to Allah and Islam until you turn to Other universe

  8. Im from Zgreb but my whole life i spent my free time in mountain part of Croatia and it was always nice not to hot summers but last 5 years we have 37C in summer its never ever went over 32 in my life before and droughts in late spring and summer but it was always rainy in mountains
    And we are mid-south Europe. The world is changing and who says its not true is one big liar.

  9. Disappointing. The two big complaints are due to their focus on the direct impacts from the environment over the next eighty years.

    First, they miss the feedback loops that the gradually escalating interim crises will create. As rich countries are called upon for aid by their citizens, they'll be less likely to help poorer countries (witness the lack of COVID vaccines going to the poorest countries), or even cooperate with other wealthy countries (beyond lip service — already evident at climate summits). The economic disruption will accelerate as the climate crisis becomes more and more evident, reducing the likelihood that anything ever gets done.

    Second, by pointing to the 3°C increase at the end of the century, they make it easy for people to treat this like a horror story that will maybe happen to strangers. “That's a long time from now, surely someone will fix the problem well before then.” They should be pointing to the unprecedented flooding in Germany, the unprecedented heat wave in Australia, the melting of permafrost in Alaska and Siberia, the fires in the U.S. west — all happening now, and all harbingers of worse to come. People need to be scared about their own futures, not that of their grandchildren's.

  10. the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago.
    How the F did they survive:)—

    Im almost sure that the climate has changed a lot under those 200 000 years..

  11. Every single word of this was about impacts on human infrastructure, human life.

    What about the rest of life?

    It is humans' cavalier attitude toward all the rest of life that got us into this mess in the first place.

  12. Please stop feeding us this BS …
    look at what happened from all the wars, all the oil company's monopolies that have had crazy disasters, all the Nuclear disasters, all the arms testing, all the things that are not in the everyday person's hands …
    And now you preach to us about global warming, what ever did the little guy ever have to do with it … nothing … absolutly nothing … so preach to yourself

  13. Seeing the world leaders flipping coins wishing for a solution in Scotland… I guess I know what our future will look like 🤡

  14. If you look at the actual trend from fossil fuels, going off the last 50 years. It will take 200-500 years more for sea levels to rise a meter. The actual climate skeptics predicted the current temperature rise, while the IPCC got it massively wrong, and as a result re-adjusted their own prediction. Its really safe to say so far, based on evidence that the climate isnt changing dramatically to be worried, and that when it reaches the same as medieval temperature peak, the earth will cool (2200+ based on the current trend)

  15. To change the climate on Earth, it is necessary to make a series of nuclear explosions on the territory of the Russian Federation in cities such as Moscow, Perm, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk!
    Then the climate on Earth will change in a positive direction, since it is from this territory that intensive pollution of the climate occurs throughout the Earth, which threatens humanity with extinction!
    Only 5 nuclear strikes on these industrial cities that pose a threat to humanity and the problem will not exist!

  16. Does winter or summer stops from coming depending on Earth creatures activities? The same is with the entering season of Earth! Wether there is a change of policy, wether Greta appears in TV or not, soon no one will even care what a child has to say about something she doesn't understand not nearly as fully as her parents had made he believe. It has not even enter the mind of scientists or clever roles the things that are already happening! Enjoy while you came for very soon there will be no enjoyment!

  17. Fósil fuels AND OTHER ENERGY SOURCES will be cut out, ALONG with a change of climate as a change EARTH SEASON! NOT ONLY a cause of men's activities! Infinate growth on FINITE PLANET has never been a possibility. Get ready for things on Earth are about to get REAL!

  18. Climate change, how did global warming morph to climate change?

    Shall we check numbers?
    Choose any search engine, yahoo, bing or G
    Search for, ( earth atmosphere content , pie chrt) choose any 3 results, it will be Nitrogen 72%, Oxygen 16%, Argon 1%, is co2 missing? CO2 an be found in trace gas section, CO2 content is 0.048%
    This trace gas is responsible for all life and all food chains on earth. Responsible for all meats, grains and fruits we eat.
    Global warming today is a trillion $ industry.
    All leaders have to fly first class to the first world, meet at a 7 star resort and sign a treaty and drink wine and whiskey, it only costs tax payers a few million $
    Trace gas CO2 (0.048%) can have trace effects on earth atmosphere

  19. I think the computer estimates are very optimistic – could be 6 degrees centigrade rise by the end of the century unless somthing drastic is done – like I have discussed comprehensively on Facebook – the trouble is no one will read my facebook entries.

  20. Ever heard about Milankovic or international socialisme =UN politics ???
    The problems like migrations in this video can also be explained by the exploding world populations and political instability or faling UN states .
    Also systemic poverty due by high birthrates not addressed by the UN ?
    Scientific questions :
    1 is life (photosynthesis) possible if the CO 2 concentrations decreased ?
    2 Due by global warming we could measure thermionic expansion of the earth ?
    3 It's even difficult to predict weather but how realistic are predictions over 50 or 70 years about climate ???

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