أسماء الحيوانات بالانجليزية مع أصواتها – الحيوانات للاطفال
Learn Farm Animals for children – Names, sounds & illustrative scenes !
Educational video for kids to learn through a guessing game each animal from its silhouette and sound ! A total of 14 farm animals, including dog, sheep, cow, duck, …
Amazing scenes from the farm including children playing with the animals and petting them.
This video is part of a large collection of educational videos to learn about animals (farm, jungle, sea, air, …) and many other similar topics.
Excellent resource for pre-school child to learn in a fun way.
Videos in this channel come in different languages including English & French.
Learning fun for kids with knowledge of words, sounds, animals, letters and colors.
Apprendre les animaux de la ferme pour les enfants – animaux de la compagnie – jeu de devinage à partir des noms, des cris et des scènes illustratives !
Apprendre des mots, lettres, animaux, couleurs et sons pour les enfants.
تعليم مرح للأطفال كلمات و حروف و أصوات وحيوانات وألوان.
Music: www.bensound.com