![What Happens At The Time Of Death ? | Stages Of Death Revealed | Heartfulness Meditation](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/What-Happens-At-The-Time-Of-Death-Stages-818x490.jpg)
This video explains – How we die, What are Stages Of Death, Chakras and elements explained, How soul exits our body, What happens after death.
00:00 – Intro – How we Die.
01:44 – I am scared – Fear of death.
02:55 – Grandpa – You are close to a new beginning.
03:47 – New world after Death.
03:57 – Daaji explains Spiritual Chakras and the Dying process.
04:32 – Basal plexus or Muladhara Chakra – Earth element
04:56 – Hypogastricplexus or Swadhisthana Chakra – Water element.
05:17 – Solar plexus or Nabhi Chakra – Fire element.
05:35 – Cardiac plexus or the heart plexus or Anahata Chakra – Air element.
05:54 – Pharyngealplexus or Kanta Chakra.
06:01 – Soul exit through mouth, nose, eyes or ears.
06:07 – Evolved people’s soul exit through Bhramarandra Chakra.
06:24 – What happens after death – Liberation or next Birth.
The purpose of this video is to understand what really happens at the moment of death. There are no heavens and they are no hells. Allowing the soul to rise higher and higher, it’s a state of heaven. Death is not the end point of our existence. Death is the end point of our current life. The existence continues. Yogis, they have mimicked the process of death, and have had some glimpses of what really happens at the moment of death. The moment that death approaches. First element that gets dissolved is the element of earth which is largely located in the basal plexus, Mulhadhara Chakra. Mulhadhara means fundamental support, basic support. When that support is dissolved, you start disintegrating. What happens next is this element rises up and goes to the next chakra, which is called hypogastric plexus or Swadhisthana Chakra. This particular chakra is mainly endowed with water element.
You become shaky, you become uncertain, you lose confidence, your hands and feet become colder. The next thing that would happen is the movement of this energy from the hypogastric plexus to the solar plexus, Nabhi Chakra, which is a fire element. The body above Nabhi Chakra, navel and elbow will
become warmer. So the person undergoing this will have cold and hot feeling at the same time. When this energy from Nabhi Chakra or solar plexus reaches out to the cardiac plexus or Anahata or the heart plexus whose prevailing or predominant element is air. The whole system, the entire body starts trembling because of the nature of the air element. The energy moves away from this heart chakra or the cardiac plexus to the pharyngeal plexus, which is located here, which is also called Kanta Chakra.
Now the soul is ready to exit. So the soul would exit either through the mouth or through the nose or through the eyes or the ears. If a person had undergone a tremendous practice and had attained a state of liberation, the soul will not exit from any of these points like eyes or nose or mouth or ears. But it will only exit through Bhramarandra Chakra which is here on the occipital part of our brain. If that soul is so highly advance at consciousness level, it will reach out to that dimension. If it is not so, it will stay a little lower in the state of limbo and awaits the next birth.
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#Death #EndofLife #HowWeDie #Soul #Meditation #stagesOfDeath #SpiritualSecrets #LastStagesOfDeath #Heartfulness #HeartfulnessMeditation #Daaji #DeathandChakras #DeathandSoul #HowIDie
This could be the most beautiful way to express the stages of death which all of us will experience one day. Many of us are scared and worried about such moments when we see our near and dear ones close to death. Now we understand that death is only a stage and there is much beyond and very important is that we are not alone at the moment of death and we have someone to guide us to the path after
Thanks to Daaji and Media team
Let's be honest to one another, shall we?
You die, you're gone. No more, no less.
Life's fascinating all the same; make the most of it. Before your time's up.
I was with my husband in hospice the night he passed away but days before his death when my sister and I returned from lunch he told me he saw our only child Jala who had already passed away years ago at age 1 yr old I knew at that moment the time was near he said he spoke to her he described how she looked and said how beautiful she was look beautiful in all white dress smiling at her dad , I knew it was time for him to go home she come to get her dad and take him home to heaven
Here because my dad just passed November 5th 2021. I just want to know he's at peace and his suffered is over
This is a beautiful thing. It would be nice if it were true
This is my total belief
Actual death is more abnormal than the acting.
I guess god took her body?
There trapped in a memory, when there body shuts down sometimes it’s a good memory there reliving or a bad one but there brain keeps the soul there till the body dies then the soul is free confused and bewildered looking down on there once body , then slowly they relise there dead you notice there hundreds around you just like you death guide allows you to chose “ stay or go “ and guides you to your choice…..in most cases it’s not pleasant it’s traumatic to the soul some do not get over there deaths especially if it was voilent……..that’s what happens when you die .
Once someone has a deep understanding of what life is, the fear of death will certainly vanish.
Love it
My Father Died on 20th Oct 2021.
He was Suffering from cancer. Chemo therapy Side effect cause of Death.
My Father Death becomes in same manner that's this Video narrator Explained.
We are living in this world is like a foreigner, one day we will going back to our home,must be Happy always ,so don't worry about to die,this way is for all, not only me,and u,
I really cried watching
One question why do they talk English and two they body’s were buried. My third eye is open this seems weird to me . We come back in different body’s there’s no heaven or hell unless you create it period point blank . The only thing that matters is LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Eventually we wil smash cancer and other illnesses.
This man reminds me of Pi in Life of Pi
Thanks for all these teachings.
😢 sad
Thank you
What a lovely gentleman for sharing this wonderful information with us
So if you die u reborn again?
The fear is real. This illosratiion of death is very helpful. It illiminates the fear of ackcepting the reality of death.
I am trying to ellleminate the sttresso8off death
Waa that scary but beautiful😭
How do i be ready for death?..
Before my mom passed away she talked about seeing my father and how he had come to visit her. Two days later she passed on. Having worked long term care for 17yrs, many patients talk about seeing LOVED ones shortly before they transition to the next life.