COP26 draft deal calls for stronger carbon targets – BBC News

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Countries are being urged to strengthen their carbon-cutting targets by the end of 2022 in a draft agreement published at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit.

The document says vulnerable nations must get more help to cope with the deadly impacts of global warming.

It also says countries should submit long-term strategies for reaching net-zero by the end of next year.

Critics have said the draft pact does not go far enough but others welcomed its focus on the 1.5C target.

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  1. Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively
    rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is
    causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural
    climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global
    temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and
    global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or
    more. That is one of the most interesting conclusions to come out of the
    seventh International Climate Change Conference sponsored by the
    Heartland Institute, held last week in Chicago. (From 2019)

  2. Jesus loves you so much please turn your life to Christ whilst you still can the rapture is about to happen anytime soon please repent of your sins it's not about religion its about a relationship

  3. The climate crisis the world faces today is rooted in the global system of White supremacy, which is directly linked to global militarism, which by far is the biggest polluter on Mother Earth. SIMPLE, therein lies our problem. No amount of money can correct this psychological deficiency, a scourge on our planet.The solutions are SIMPLE, we must change damn near everything, starting with Western pseudo-education, pseudo-religion, and the pseudo-sciences, that has humanity trapped unable to fix any of the critical issues of these Tryin' Times. We have entered the time that goodwilled people are seen as pathetic, we continue to do the same things expecting different results. Now Mother Earth and Father Sky are intervening on our behalf.
    from the author of the book:

  4. Complete crap Climate Change
    ALOK SHARMA If you look at his history and qualifications he’s another one with no experience just like our health minister. Sharma has been a vocal supporter of the expansion of Heathrow Airport and has spoken in support of increasing the number of airport runways in the South East of England, claiming that "a lack of hub capacity is costing the UK jobs and investment. Mans a idiot just like the rest of Johnson’s Government ethnics and Muslims

  5. Does any of these climate protesters realise the like of China are the biggest and fastest country trying to help climate change, they are the worlds first in terms of how many hydro dams are being created, their environment clean stategy has been in action for over a decade and they have the fastest electric car uptake then any other countires in the world.

  6. Unlike the UK and US who are actually stalling the EV market due to current oil and car companies wanting to still peddle their environmentantly toxic products. Question your own country before incorrectly questioning others! And go after the real cuprits like US oil, OPEC and British petroleum… cowards.

  7. As a former environmentalist I have this to say, Cocoa Cola is the largest plastic polluter on earth, the US military is the single most polluting entity and I doubt that anyone has heard of camp century. Meanwhile the most vilified country on earth (China) has invested more in renewable energy than the UK, EU, US and Japan combined, has already developed carbon capture technology and has greened immense areas of desert – yet all they got was criticism (I am not Chinese BTW)

  8. the world government of the antichrist is near but through Jesus Christ we have salvation believing by faith

    believing in the place where you are. read in the bible Romans 10: 9 and 10

    John 14: 6, John 1:12, Acts 4:12

  9. Self interest is for the past; common interest is for the future. D.Attenborough

    US: The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive. D.Trump

    Native: Your kids can name more KPop groups than types of trees. S.Sherman

    COP26 is blah blah blah while the US and Manchin back their oil and coal company self interest dividends over climate change.

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