From a video livestream that may show an angry ghost to footage of possible paranormal activity at a haunted farm, do these videos prove ghost exist? #Ghost #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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8. USA Today / North Paranormal Society
7. Ian Hawke
6. Lyndsey Mann
5. ghost walking down stairs https://youtu.be/y2c6fu1jVqc
4. Ghost Sighting Using Kinect Camera – Real Paranormal Activity Part 43.2 https://youtu.be/_FI7V5An0dw
3. ghost at home moves things https://youtu.be/gPcj9pKtAig
2. Spirit? Ghost? Shadow figure? What do you see? https://youtu.be/A8CdjI4zLOA
1. Ghost that scared the… out of Singapore Soldiers! https://youtu.be/YCw9H4lQeLE
Blue Sizzle – Madness Paranoia by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100385
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
submissions @ hammedia . net
i think it's hilarious when a supposed ghost hunter some sort of hunting device like a spirit box. I mean that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
The glasses. Definitely a trick
We’re did the plate go, for the second movement of the mug???
On Mr Hawke's clip if I was living there and using a paranormal puck 2 device and the words came up saying incubus demon and manifest I'd say right I'm off and hauling ass outta there.
Methinks on the 1st clip they have what is known as a ironic ghost lol. I mean I doubt it's the actual God just some jokester.
Ever hear of fishing line? Every video explained. You're welcome.
The shaking clothes line. Armthorpe, South Yorkshire. Large scale former mining area. Ground movement is the most likely explanation.
I know a lot of these are fake, but Michael D Mcgee is the biggest fake of them all!!! His videos have been debunked by multiple channels, so stop showing his crap as credible footage. Do your research Slapped Ham!
I’ve seen the last one before.
The screaming on last video sounded like a recording!
the glasses appear to be moving in a similar manner to objects used in psychokineses.is someone with abilities out of camera shot.although you mention it's labelled as a ghost,so maybe that rules that out,although was the ghost claim on original footage,or had someone shared,and added content.most fakers seem to use more elaborate effects,as well,I've noticed.the ghost in corridor looks interesting.could it be projected.I'll check it again.thanks for you're efforts and research in assembling these clips for our entertainment and speculation.maddog.west cork. republic of Ireland
the phone was set to vibrate causing the glasses to move
6:36 I see this quite often. It’s a burrowing animal.
The last clip was so fake I fell asleep.
I really hope there is something after this life, there’s a few people I need to scare the dogshit out of.
Hawk's panic seems genuine…yeah right. All hoaxes nothing new..it gets boring
The ghost in the thumbnail looks like a klansman harassing an armed black soldier…so he'll be a ghost soon enough, I guess 😶
the glasses one could be a work of that phone vibration. Maybe it's playing a music causing the glasses to vibrate
It's funny how the English language makes you able to hear disembodied voices only with noises. I mean, this wouldn't happen with French !
The glasses I do that all the time with a small fan I use in my living room. Nothing paranormal about this. Lol like I said a fans doing that to them glasses 100% for sure. Lol
You can see the mugs handle move right in line with the camera and the guy who obviously pulled it both times…. Is this the best stuff you can find?
Definitelya ghost moving the close line
Considering the clothes line footage, I never knew poltergeists were capable of operating outdoors.
Fake fake fake
The glasses looks like a phone or something is vibrating on the table.
I always thought a good way to investigate a supposed haunting would be to have several diff paranormal research groups investigate a handful of houses w out any one of them actually knowing which one is supposedly haunted. And compare results .
Some idiots think poltergeist have nothing better to do than shake cloth drying lines.
#3 is fake – no one who wears glasses would put them lenses-down on a surface.
No. 1 was clearly staged. Why would the guards be speaking in English other than wanting to let English speaking audience know exactly what was happening to make the video more viral?
Just because they are soldiers doesn't mean they're not just as afraid of ghosts as us regular non- soldiers.
bunch of fake azz 💩..
Ghosts are very obedient nowadays they do things when asked
I think "ghosts" are really demons screwing us.
Theres more to the last video
I think the glasses moving on the table is a trick
The clip with the kitchen cupboards opening two cupboards open the ones side by side but also the draw in the middle under the stove top and it also happens when the stick figures appear
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