Out in the wild, there are no weight classes like in boxing, so the most unexpected opponents can end up in the ring together! But that doesn’t mean that the outcome of these mismatched fights is what you would expect! Watch this video to the end and you will be shocked!
Alguna vez he notado cómo que no tenían prisa en matar a mi familia o que no les importaba que fuese un trabajo intergeneracional…
Idk what's more annoying the music or his lame one liners
I cant stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣
1:58 Why would you not have your dog on a lead around wildlife? The owners need stringing up.
These animals sound more human when they are scared.
The Neighbors Large male Labrador came into our yard and chased our Cat to the top of the Steps…..Then she TURNED on him…He never came into the yard again!!! Boy wish I had it on tape…But was busy at the time was trying to rescue her. Which she didn't need!😉
Some parts are kinda sick with people laughing at animals getting seriously injured…
Pitbull shoulda left the Buffalo and just attacked his owner…for being a MORON
I believe that some of these anima movies are made of real life animals events🤔
A donkey handled a hyena… 😂
Im think best is racoon vs monkeys
Who’s Habib Nomoreoffmedove
Some of these are sickening. Those disgusting monkeys with the poor racoon. That bull hurling the dog and that nasty groundhog biting the dog… I felt that.
What makes me mad is that someone thought it would be a good idea to film some of these😔
Drown that mutt… Good job kangaroo
It was awesome watching that pit bull get stomped out by that basin..
Kangaroo disturb me 😬 was it really trying to drown that dog?? Sure looked that way 😬😬
What a lame ass commentator. Trying way to hard
Khabib Nergohomadov lol
Dude that dog fu_ked that snake up 😂
3:15 – Who's the idiot that has the dog trapped in the pen with the bull? Whoever it was needs to have their bare butt painted red, forced to bend over in front on a bull with their pants down and take exactly what they have coming to them.
People who have their domestic dogs and cats fight wild animals for views and because they think it's cool. I think it'd be fun and cool to see you charged with animal cruelty and see the full extent of the law exercised against you.
How the hell is 3:10 not straight up not animal abuse? Go ahead call me a Karen