#AnimalsRescue #RemoveTicksOnCats #Shorts #TicksOnDogs
I create this channel for showing you about the life of the animals and pet around my location, and not just showing I will help all those animals if they need my help as well.
I’m appreciated for your coming and watching our videos, and hope pet lovers will drop your comment to improve our next vids. Thanks for your support me by hitting the like, share, and subscribe to my channel.
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If I seen any animal on the side of the road in this condition I wouldn’t be able to walk away without it
Personas como tú valen mucho

Ay eso es lo que ami me molesta siempre que beo aún animal así pienso porque la gente adopta si para luego vota a los animales ala Calle como si fueran basura

mejor no adopten ay gente que va a cuidar a esos animales mejor
Que bueno que haya personas respetables con los animales

Me hiso llorar
que bueno que están bien casi me da ganas de llorar

Me hiso llorar

Why didn't you take home the cat
Quédate con e