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I got arrested once because I'm known well for just leaving class and chilling in the bathroom if it's cold out (northern Ontario) and some Nish kid pulled the fire alarm closest to the bathroom I was in, and the cameras didn't work at all, being native myself, rcmp weren't happy. Ever get your hair pulled by a cop at 14? It's not fun. I wasn't even fighting, they just grabbed me by my hair and forced me out of the school. My mom was livid that they pulled my hair knowing I'm sensitive to everything (late diagnosed autism when I was 19) it doesn't help that I'm very white washed and dressed pretty much the same as the other cheerleaders. So glad my school got closed and torn down. One of the shittiest schools ever, put me in Ojibwe with no other choice (we had french, Spanish and German classes in highschool) all because I'm native, I had friends in the other classes and they said they were all white people or the respective races. It's pure Bs. I even asked the office if I could change my language class to Spanish or if I could drop it because of my English class being busy anyways. But no, all dirty natives gotta be in their class. I'm not even Ojibwe, I'm metis and dene, I'm from northern Canada. I'm white washed because of the residential school that closed 2 years before I was born. Anishnabe kids are so fucking stupid entitled retards. Y'all think you're so great because the Baxter kids got into a documentary about life and education on the reservations. Wah. I knew for a fact that y'all couldn't read well into highschool, y'all never paid attention, the teachers in middle and elementary were awesome. Fkn retards
School got a drug sniffing dog over 200 students where caught with drugs and in their lockers
22:43 I request further elaboration on Furry Girl
Oof, the bullying stories.
In elementary school I was bullied, even stabbed. Because I odd, and kids thought I was a demon.
In middle school, I was fast and strong for my size. So I wasn't a good target.
In high school I was still above average speed and strength. Now with some emotional instability. So I really wasn't a good target.
I didn't have trouble with bullies again until my mental break down in the military. It got so bad, I flushed my mental meds. (Meds were making me too docile, and happy.) So I could remind the world not to screw with me. (Horrible idea) I heard my leadership whisper about trying to get me admitted. Plus I had to end my relationship at the time. In fear of her getting caught in the blast zone.
Now I'm in my early 30's, and most people assume I'm an ex-bully. Because of how stand offish I am. Plus how willing I am to match force with force.
I just wanted to be left alone growing up. I didn't even bully people. Even if I wanted to be a bully, I'm too damn shy. I still end up stereotyped as a washed-up ex-bully.
I was the person who got suspended (also a top student, go figure). The girl I thought was my friend started yelling how nobody likes me, and accused me of stealing $5 from our other friend in the middle of the cafeteria. Instead of getting sad like she intended, I got pissed. Turned around and started walking away so I didn't break her fucking face in. Took three steps then had to punch something, so I punched a hole in a window (a security one with wire mesh inside). Then just sat down and cried, waiting to be taken to the principal's office.
My adopted daughter we already had the talk and I told her some one grabs you in personal area you drop them like a case of explosive diarrhea
O man! That story of British soldiers wearing sunglasses to win the second battle of Bunker Hill was from a Mr. Peabody's Improbable History cartoon in 1961. If I had to instruct teens I'd probably be at that place now, history lessons from old cartoon shows or The Onion.
Technically a US president has never been impeached. There have been impeachment trials but no one actually impeached.
The bully one of rich bully become adult rich bully. I own a custom wood working business. I was in shop doing admin paper work for it. When a prepy (you know think the rich guy from major league that the voodoo guy took golf club fur cosie from). He was ordering a table and was being a dick. Like my crew who are a professional in there craft are a wast of space while smiling at my manager. He then pointed at me and said and this guy look at him keep an eye on him he will hurt this beautiful business. I didn't take his business and said get out of my business. To which he tried to bully me saying the classic I need this table and I'm will sue you type Karen move and failed hard in court
My mom still tells me the story from 2nd grade where she had been bullied by this one boy. Well, he did his usual act of giving her a wet willies and pinching her on the same day her grandmother died and she had zero fucks to give and she tripped him causing him to fall down a flight of stairs and breaking his collar bone.
17:07 the only thing missing is "I saw goody osburn with the devil!"
Is this a re-upload
We had a kid jump a school fence with both the head teacher and the vice head chasing him, and what are "Uncrustables"??
Craziest day was when I graduated without actually learning anything