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Top 10 Animal Rescues That Will Melt Your Heart
Did you know that no act of kindness is too small for any animal? Whether wild or domestic, often animals find themselves in sticky, scary situations that they are not well equipped for. They become vulnerable, completely helpless and only a human being can save them from the jaws of death. Even the fiercest animals are willing to let their guard down to get the help they need. Watching these animal rescues is sure to warm the coldest hearts and restore faith in humanity.
Welcome to another episode of The Animal Booth and we bring you Top 10 Animal Rescues That Will Melt Your Heart. Let’s dive in.
Number 3
A baby racoon was probably looking for food when it got its head stuck in the rim of a tyre. Luckily an animal rescue team came to its aid. Racoons are known to be aggresive and use their claws to scrach as well as their teeth to bite. Fortunately, this particular racoon did not show any form of resistance but remained still until it got the help it needed.
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