Hey guys Phil or Youmuus here and today we are checking out the season 2 rank changes and sadly there isn’t too much to check out! So i decided to play some viewer games and carry some of these clowns with Zeraora jg ! Hope you’ll enjoy this Pokémon Unite Zeraora Master Gameplay, Zeraora Held Items and Zeraora Moveset!
I stream here : https://trovo.live/PhilYoumuus
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0:00 Hype builder
0:40 Season 2 release night impressions !
5:03 Game 1 Warming back up the Zeraora jg
15:51 Game 2 Still carrying Viewers baby !
23:13 Game 3 Playing with my good friend Purple #4 Garchomp
33:21 Results / Outro
Thank you guys for watching haha might go for top 10 this season after ending 93 dunno 😳
ZERAORA is the best 👍
What is your zeraora held item build?
Wish i had a team as useful as his
Is volt switch better than Spark? I personally think Spark is better
You should try spark if gives you a lot more damage
Pass on your homophobic comments, time to unsub
Build pls!!
Savage lol
Definitely rude to your teammates..not something to be proud of that's for certain. Probably shouldn't drink anymore if you can't handle the LQ my dude
May I know what his zeraora build is?
zera broken
"why do i want you on the top that sht gay bro" 😂
Hello Youmuus, did a benchmark at school and had to my give my phone away to my teachers, when I received my phone it was a little chipped and I was sad. Except this video cheered me up, thanks youmuus!
Hey Phil what items were you using on youre zera
Boring game any 1 can go masters
I like your content 🙂
And you’re like really cute ☺️
Hi youmuus I'm your new sub I like your garchomp video and your plays I also tried garchomp but I can't use it very well but I'm ok with that. What is your favorite garchomp build bro and my favorite build and I'm using scope lens, buddy barrier and focus band bro for jungle and I like dragon build garchomp bro because E cannon. How many accounts you have bro and what is main account 😅😇
Solo play solo
Not interested if you have to be that annoying when you play, it’s a game calm tf down
At 6:18 phil says “who took my shit” 20 seconds before he was clearing the lobsters lmao
Good thing they immediately addressed the greedent nerf, if they didnt, so many would have stopped playing the game.
The beginning text didn’t lie, you were kinda mean bro, tis what the drink does to a man
I like your content but that behavior kinda turn off for me🚩🚩. Hope you take this as a lesson for your future videos:)
I prefer the more humble youmuus without the adult drinks regarthless wp nice vod
Master 1 star wtf? I was Masters 1400 and got 2 stars.
what were your held items?
I mean… five man premade is the cancer of ranked
Yo I was asking Krashy about you in his stream tonight and he was saying he wants to set up a collab!! Do a top lane rotom strat in masters with him Garchomp/charizard combo
Hi Phil, Same as you I got Master with 1x diamond after Season 1. I watched Dave’s video (I Bought the New Season Battle Pass so you don’t have to) and saw he got 2x diamonds. I am really curious why. Are you guys able to discuss why and how he got 2 and we only got 1? :). TIA!
What items do you run on zera?
Drunk Phil=rude Phil/savage Phil
Plays a kids game….we are playing against literal children. Hahaha nice