![NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.103 [FailForceOne]](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NEAR-DEATH-CAPTURED-by-GoPro-and-camera-pt103-FailForceOne.jpg)
Near death experience videos and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. All people survive. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. http://bit.ly/2m2Gsfl
Our channel is showing the dangers of common life situations and extreme activities to take it seriously and with respect. Take responsibility and don’t risk your life. It has a educational function and not intended to shock people or encourage dangerous activities.
I’m on facebook https://www.facebook.com/FailForceOne/
All stunts are performed by professionals, don’t try this at home, kids.
that cat was like "yeah. OH FUCK"
0:23 oh not the BMW come on just why.
6:15 its rare to see norwegian clips, this nordlenning had a funny reaction.
Out immediately lift it to my arms up and held that whole son of a b** up and walk my way backwards out of it
First video: The CAT knew.
Even a god don't want the people dead.
In the first video why does it have to be right after we see the black cat😂😂😂🙆🏾♂️🙆🏾♂️ either way happy the guy didn't get hurt💯💯🎯
So much for solar power.
Meanwhile some unlucky guy dies from choking on a hot dog.
The final jump 😂
At the end, those people were stupid, two people atleast got really fucking hurt and one got launched into the air like a volleyball
2:34 what's up with all the white vehicles?
What are the odds of the first clip bruh 🤦🏾♂️
How has this creator not surpassed 1 million subscribers yet literally.
Hoped they saved a lot of money installing all those solar panels 🤪
Jeez chopper crashes and rips all ground
Frick the crash part my volime was at 100😂
4:23 i hate these types of people, they literally see a blade spinning 873248093749823749283473928742048 miles per millisecond and do nothing but watch, and now when the helicopter crashes, they don't run to help they just run to record and do nothing but make it harder for the paramedics to operate.
5:00 get to da choppa
The people crossing the river are the perfect example of survival of the fittest
каким же надо быть недоумком, что бы прыгать с парашутом с высоковольтной линии
That helicopter had me holding my freaking breath 😱holy crap! What was going on there?? Wind or pilot or what?
0:35 I don't think those solar panels saved him much money.
пожалуй мой любимый канал на Ютубе уже не первый год
спасибо за отличные подборки
old shit
I hope the cat in the first video is OK 😲
2:14 moonwalk 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1:55 I'm surprised the trucker felt the impact of the cyclist
Poor cat under the car when the roof came down
When a bear decides it wants you that bear☠🐻spray becomes seasoning🍽🏺Hot sauce some might say. It amazes me how ppl make it all about them like🙄😮"We was just there" lol 😆
Nothing more pleasurable than watching idiots treating a bull like shit getting stomped into the ground!
0:34 Today in the news, Old Yokel Local learned why he shouldnt put Cinderblocks on his roof.
@ 0:34, something or somebody scared the cat. (lower right screen)
I heard of people running themselves over and killing themselves by accident and I was thinking there is no way its possible to run over yourself and then the last of this video shows an idiot backing up and running herself over.. lol..
why is it called near death when its obvouis in multiple of these videos that people die?
No pity for base jumper or crotch rocket rider in last bike video…
First man was 18 seconds from being a pancake.. CRAZY
4:40 beautiful auto rotation and that's why you practice it! Beautiful in the sense mass amounts of people didn't die
Why was there 200 to 300 lb of cinder blocks on that carport along with all those solar panels? Is that like a hurricane thing from Florida or Jerry Rigged solar setup?
Hope the cat at 0:34 survived!