On her birthday, Cynthia Busch lost consciousness after having a severe allergic reaction and was rushed to the ER. But while doctors were working to revive …
On her birthday, Cynthia Busch lost consciousness after having a severe allergic reaction and was rushed to the ER. But while doctors were working to revive …
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my mum had it 👍you are sleeping 🛌
Oprah shut up U sell out
I went with my American man in his travel to deadlife. Why? I was mad at God.
What a load of bs lol
Don't go into the light… you get reborn into a new baby body.. we are in a endless soul trap. Do not contact me, I will not speak more on this…
What happened was your astral body was out of your physical body. That's why you could see your own body on the operation table.. when the soul or spirit otherwise astral body , goes out from the physical body you are no longer in your own body. You can hear you can see but you you lost body consciousness. That's what happened to you. Astral being in the other world's comes and contact with you. Like your grand mother… on the other hand it is a signal you to go back in to your own body. The reason appears through some other soul or astral being. I did astral projection twice. I agree with your experience.
Attention seakers all lies have experienced death twice the white light is from the defibrillator, when shocked out of cardiac arrest activates heart and re engages brain
If she really saw the death she will be muslim because no one can know the truth only islam can
Well that was pointless, we heard more Oprah than we did the guest. Oprah has got to be the worst interviewer always interrupting and turning the story to herself!!
Why would God not give everyone this "experience" ….even atheist would then change their minds . Not everyone has a near death experience , only the religious it seems. They are either lying or hallucinating.
You are either alive, or dead. There is no in-between. Just ask your doctor.
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the light
Thank you!
Looks like Oprah’s Demons are getting rattled
Jesus began using her as a Prophet. Gift of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians). Wow, God bless. So interesting how every near death story speaks of Heaven or Hell. Most with Jesus. I’m amazed at how scared I used to be to find evidence of his existence.. now he’s all I want.
This really the same thing happened to me
I believe her I had the same experience..Love this!! X-x from The Netherlands
Satan himself can appear as an angel of light. The only way to heaven after death is through the God/man Jesus Christ.
Oprah is thinking this is comedy programme. Stupid woman.this is serious try to understand how to talk with her 🙄
Oprah seems somewhat skeptical.
The love we feel on the other side is one, we can feel here in this body as well when we learn that it is in us and that we are it. The love I felt from my guide when it appeared to me was unlike anything I ever felt, and I never wanted to feel any different. Now I know that I felt it as such because I didn’t love myself, I was at a low point in my life when I was loathing myself because of everything that was and has happened in my life. At the time I didn’t know that I have chosen these things to happen in my life that would become obstacles for me to overcome to learn myself, to learn that I have that love within me, that I am that love. There is a veil of false separation from that love and it is a part of our learning and growth, and why we come here to this plane, to overcome obstacles we set for ourselves and by doing so we learn that there is no separation, never was and never will be. We are it and it is us. We come to this world that is designed as such where we are taught that we are separate, but we are not. If only people knew how easy it is to feel that same love just by learning to love themselves for what they are and unlearning everything that society is enforcing on them. This is why we come here, to learn ourselves, our true nature.
i am happy i can see my family and dear cameron boyce again ❤
someone died and he didn't see anything maybe he doesn't remember
I remember my grandmother's transition. I wasn't there but if I could do it all again I would have been right by her side. A while after her transition I had a dream of her. She was so beautiful and youthful, she asked me what was wrong because I was crying in the dream I then looked up and saw her face she then said to me "awww you'll be alright" then she turned around to walk away I called to her and asked her to wait she then put her hand up and said "I have to go" I will never forget it.
I had the exactly the same experience she had few years ago. So similar 🙄
I can’t understand how people are fascinated by life and the miracle of it yet deny the consciousness is seperate from the body the vessel. Who knows maybe it’s a religious spiritual thing or maybe we have advanced so much that is the technology we finally have been able to implement. Maybe at some point we could seperate our consciousness at will and like the matrix we can manipulate it in a realm of our own making . Maybe it’s a natural process but also we can manipulate it to the point whereby we have advanced so much it represents a technology. A fusion or extension of what naturally happens to be manipulated by us as a civilisation much like in Avatar. Maybe we are like the sims game. Think about it if consciousness is seperate from the vessel/ the body then what’s stopping us in a 500 or a thousand years from being able to scientifically manipulate that. Maybe we already have and the reality we find our selves in now is merely a product of that. It is like there is the natural spiritual side and then the way our tech can supplement or complement that. I know this seems far out but just consider the concepts I am purporting – why not why would it not be like this
I had a very similar experience, I was unconscious and I felt myself going up to the ceiling looking at my body on the bed, but I was very happy up there near the ceiling flying, I knew in my mind that what is up near the ceiling was my soul because it was like a light, and what is on the bed was my body. suddenly and quickly the light of the ceiling descended and entered my body and I regained consciousness, since that incident, I do not fear death anymore, I am waiting for it to meet my lord for eternity
Oprah = evil
Oh I feel relieved to no I will c my father again
If only this woman knew her encounter was Jesus calling her unto Himself.
The mind plays tricks on you when you are in a traumatic situation. It's all just a dream that seems real but it's not, you just imagined it.
Wow! The best book I have come across that explains near death experiences and your soul is by author, scholar Dr. Shmuel Asher. Soul Revolution. I found it on amazon.
She started to panic when she saw het grandmother that was beautiful standing in front of her. Why the word panic? There is no longer panic when you out of the body.
0:41 so immature
She didn't really understand near-death, because she taking it for joke.
I was in a domestic violence relationship and I almost died 10 years ago when my ex spit in my face, threw me to the ground and wrapped his hands around my neck and began choking me. I tried beating his arms off of me but he was too strong and I began to lose consciousness. I started to see a white light and I never knew what it was. I was recently told if you see a white light when dying you are entering into the presence of God. I thank God for sparing my life.
When I got hit by a bus crossing a cross walk, it was like being in a bright thick fog and I could see an image of my son it faxed out to which my hearing came back and couple seconds later vision came back while I was sliding along the yellow line. Honestly believe I had died and something said its not your time.
Life and death experiences is like leaving one room and going thru the door to the next room.
intersting i have watched a few of these videos on people dying and everyone says the same thing they are told "its not your time yet " unless all these people are part of one of the biggest collective scams on the planet
She kept interrupting her
I think the body just goes through phases as part of the dying process.
We home cared our mother (she was 95 with full on dementia when she left us). The day before, we decided to call the priest and have a bedside service for her. There was communion; mom was pretty out of it/comatose by then. She did at one point emerge, and said the word, "Beautiful.." Never a contented, calm woman for long during her lifetime, I remember how very serene she was by that point. What did she see..looking off into the distance…we will never know.
I interview Near Death Experiencers and have had two myself. Heaven is real.
I interview Near Death Experiencers and have had two myself. They are real.
There is an afterlife and we will not disappear after death. It is much better than this life but we will be judged on our actions in this life according to those who had NDE. One of them asked about which religion is correct? the answer was that all ways lead to God. Be a good person and love Jesus, but I think it is better not to say that he is the son of God because he is not. He is a prophet and messenger of God. All the best ❤️
We never die. Only our body does. Then we are left in our astral body and go on living.