These Bighorn Rams in their rutting season were triggered into a Headbutting battle we were lucky enough to capture. All in their Prime, three Rams fighting eventually turned into four, with the attraction seeming to be the sound of other Rams headbutting. We are showing the highlights here, which is almost all headbutting of one of the most incredible Wildlife days in the Canadian Rockies for us. This is with original sound.. we hope you can appreciate why we left it as is, including it’s faults. More on Bighorn Sheep in Canada’s Rockies..
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Round 2 Starts at 4:38
#wildlifeonvideo #bighorn #nature
We hope you Enjoy this Bighorn Ram Battle. Here are more Wildlife videos you may enjoy on our Channel..
Backs vs backers drill
Imagine getting your hand stuck in-between?
LOL Love how the 3rd Ram jumps in
Probably brothers
I like how they chew after they bash each other.
“what now”
I love how they BONK and then they just stand there for a minute like "haha wow that one kinda hurt… Let's do it again, this time I do it to you Ron"
They remind me of the airhead quarterbacks in high school movies I love them
I swear they all share just one collective braincell and it shows
After each hit there like” ahi verg perame guey pErAtE uN SeGuNdO🥴”
My head hurts
Each headbutt is a hard reset that takes a while to boot back up.
Rams are so cool
Do rams get CTE
What’s happening at 3:00 ? The one in back tapped the one in front, and THAT one tapped the one in front of him! “Hey ask him when i can go next”
They make it seem like they do it for fun
Imagine double teaming like some weirdos
Kingdom Hearts vibes
It looks more like a greeting lmao 0:15 the third one is casually munching on some grass
I have a migraine for just watching this 😂
Very surprised they dont lose eyes
I think they not fighting, they are just greeting each other, like shakehands
Cheap shot 2:18
That 2 on 1 was a BEAST
I can’t believe that they would still do this, knowing what we now know about CTE.
Me and my siblings fighting over the last cookie be like:
3:17 is making it up afterwards
So the fact they can do this and not hurt them self I play football so I know a hit when I see one this would be a perfect line backer
That pad poppin
2:18 "you said head BUtt right?"
1:09 ow ow ow ow
I wonder how many g forces are being created.
Rams are cute
Captain Goat just said "i can do this all day"
they hit horns and then look at each other, like now what? lol
I would call this a Skuttle
Now there's THREE of ya? You better go get some more guys. COME ON!!!!!
0:10 dudes going 2v1 and still holding his own
I like how they just stand there and look around after like they don't know what to do now…
Do you think if a human did this with a ram. We would die from the first blow ?
imagine if people fought like this. just slammed our heads together.
Boys night out
So funny how that one just keeps munching on the grass right after that impact
The one just casually chewing a a piece of straw while waiting for the other 2 to come at him 😂
The exchange beginning at 6:30 is so weird.
2 lovers commence congenial licking and scritching.
Third wheel butts in.
Lover 1 says “ex-f$&@ing-scuse me?!”
Lover 2 decides third wheel is chill and starts licking to signify chillness.
Lover 1: “Jk homie, get in here” kissy kissy
Canadians got their goats running Oklahoma drills. The CFL is gonna be stacked soon
2:28 bros inspecting
Hmpf you want to Ram with me? Hmpf.
2:16 dude tried to sneak ram him is a b!tch for that💯🤣🤣👌🏿🤘🏿