Bighorn Headbutting Battle in Canada's Rockies

Bighorn Headbutting Battle in Canada's Rockies
Spread The Viralist

These Bighorn Rams in their rutting season were triggered into a Headbutting battle we were lucky enough to capture. All in their Prime, three Rams fighting eventually turned into four, with the attraction seeming to be the sound of other Rams headbutting. We are showing the highlights here, which is almost all headbutting of one of the most incredible Wildlife days in the Canadian Rockies for us. This is with original sound.. we hope you can appreciate why we left it as is, including it’s faults. More on Bighorn Sheep in Canada’s Rockies..

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Round 2 Starts at 4:38

#wildlifeonvideo #bighorn #nature


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About the Author: Admin


  1. I love how they BONK and then they just stand there for a minute like "haha wow that one kinda hurt… Let's do it again, this time I do it to you Ron"
    They remind me of the airhead quarterbacks in high school movies I love them
    I swear they all share just one collective braincell and it shows

  2. The exchange beginning at 6:30 is so weird.
    2 lovers commence congenial licking and scritching.
    Third wheel butts in.
    Lover 1 says “ex-f$&@ing-scuse me?!”
    Lover 2 decides third wheel is chill and starts licking to signify chillness.
    Lover 1: “Jk homie, get in here” kissy kissy

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