Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/nickpfeifer1994
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickpfeifer1994
Landon’s youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtNJF7GJW9Y2SF4TviW8sKA
In this video I donated 100 subs to different madden streamers. Thank you guys so much for watching!
Each Streamer’s Link:
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u good ppls
I just subbed to your channel a few days ago great content bro!!!!
This is awesome, bro! Keep up the good work and spreading positivity. 👍
Thanks for this man!!!This is awesome!!!
Ur a great guy
That’s cool that you did that helping small streamers
What a video 😱 Omg nick amazing
This was a fire idea nick. Hopefully I can do the same one day!!
DK mid wing, mid game was my favorite
Good guy nick to the rescue, good work brother – Downingfan
Great stuff nick
good job man nice guy nick
So awesome you gave away $500, keep doing what you’re dojng
Look at nick man, so inspirational lmaooo. What’re nice guy you are bro. Keep going
NICK ur da goat
So i dont use twitch but based on the reactions from the streamers and seeing the price, subs are worth a lot and nick used a decent amount of money on a video which is not monetized, soo that puts nick on another tier of greatness
this is why u have the community u do! keep up the hard work!!
thanks for doing this my man, really helps out the community
Lets go!