Message from the ResqRanch The Premier Positive Reinforcement Animal Sanctuary

Message from the ResqRanch The Premier Positive Reinforcement Animal Sanctuary
Spread The Viralist

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DrQ, holistic veterinarian, fish expert, and Professional Animal Trainer explains simply how to best care for and train animals in this short video. Like what we do? Then please subscribe to this channel. For email updates visit us here, so that when we launch our courses StealMoreYears and HORSES101! programs online (the one we have been doing for years for the community, FOR FREE), you can get the first invitation into a deep dive in how we use positive reinforcement, scientifically proven, to be the fastest, easiest, best way to keep animals healthier and happier longer, and train ANY animal, to do ANY thing!

And if YOU have gotten value from any videos on this channel which have enhanced the relationship you have with the animals in YOUR life, then PLEASE donate to at, or simply go here so that we can continue to rescue more horses. We adopted 3 new rescues in the last 8 months alone. Due to all the craziness with the COVID19, now more than ever animals are in need of finding homes and funds are running out to care for them. If we all do a little bit, we can together have a great impact for good.

Thank you in advance you animal-loving Pet Parents out there, please submit comments below, and my promise to you, is to continue to bring you great FREE health and training advice. Yes, that’s right. If you want to know, so do 10 other people. So if you have a training or health question about ANY animal, dog/cat/bird/horse/donkey/wallaby/fish/whatever, put it in the comments below, subscribe. Why? Because I am DrQ, here to help YOU have the most amazing relationship with animals you ever dreamed possible!

Thank YOU for loving the animals! ЁЯЩВ


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About the Author: The1DrQ