Family realizes their rescue squirrel is pregnant — watch her introduce her daughter to her human mom ❤️
Special thanks to Amy for sharing her footage with us. You can follow her on TikTok https://thedo.do/amyTT
Family realizes their rescue squirrel is pregnant — watch her introduce her daughter to her human mom ❤️
Special thanks to Amy for sharing her footage with us. You can follow her on TikTok https://thedo.do/amyTT
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I found it cute ,but If I wanted to have that at my home like pet I would be for rabies shots at first you never know
Aw so cute 🙂 ended just as I was getting in to the story tho 🙁
And they live happily ever aft….
The video was cut off!
WTF happened!?
Yep I raised a squirrel back to health on goats milk. It was a baby his eyes were still closed. He broke a mans heart fast.
I would love to have a bunch of squirrels they are very cute I have a little guinea pigs I love her very much
Wow,are adorable
I think the editing person just got fired or they weren't getting paid right, boy, something happened.
Welp, other people have said it for me. I'll say it, too. I want to know what happened with Chamille.
Great video, I really like how you
That was a cool story!!
They are fun…..but you better have a lot of time to play.
editor – gone.
I was sure the lady said that they realized the squirrel WASN'T pregnant and then she said that she had babies. I thought I misheard it but it sounded the same on a re-watch. Also… it just ends.
Aww sweet, bless you for saving her, great video thanks 💖😁
This lady and her friend deserve better! Please, fix the video and reupload it.
where is the rest of the video??
I think the Dodo needs a new editor.
Can we hear the rest of the story please 🙂
Damn, wish we could have seen the whole thing
Awww 🥰 ! Cute 😍 little critter !
They literally made this a short😂
Such a fun tale of rescue …BUT..it just sort of ended abruptly. Wish I could hear more of the adventure of " squirrel rescue". Loved it💓
Oh gosh why the cut in video ,come on we want the rest of it pleeease
So beautiful
Did you have to go get her immunized because she was wild after all? And her babies too? I would love to have a squirrel. Many of them around here and I have 4 dogs, so my dogs would probably think they were toys…🤣
I'm just curious if you did have them get shots before bringing indoors.
Cute squirrel, especially the babies. What will you be doing with her babies?
Anyway, I just hope they go to a loving home. Animals are put her by God.
I love this story. I would love a pet squirrel. I love squirrel's!
Where's the REST OF THE VIDEO !
So cute!!
Are you keeping her? Please do!🙂🥰🥰🥰🥰
The ending tho….
Dodo, please stop producing these partial videos that just cut off abruptly! Just don't release them if you can't make a 3 minute, full story. Please. Edited to add my first thumbs down on a Dodo video, even though I loved the content until it was just cut – halfway through the story!
Wow, this one doesn't give any closure…
Why is the lesbian flag in the background of their acc😐I’m unsubscribing
is this a female?
lol I was already like: "why does this video have 160 dislikes?" *Video ends just like that* "ohhhhhh that's why"
and everything else went down hill, cant record the rest of it. it's too savage lol
It drives me absolutely crazy when people apply stupid ass pronouns instead of recognizing the male squirrel as a "donor". Dumb ass people in this world
It's almost like the channel is focusing on youtube shorts and screwed up a long episode edit that they aren't familiar with making anymore?