Deep in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador lies the “Amazon Chernobyl”, a 1,700-square-mile environmental disaster brought on by oil extraction and production. After a visit to Ecuador in 1993, human rights lawyer Steven Donziger and other attorneys brought a class-action lawsuit against Texaco (later Chevron) on behalf of over 30,000 farmers and Indigenous people from this Amazon region who were affected by this disaster. Through his personal testimony and supporting footage, Steven recounts his experience advocating on behalf of the environment and affected communities and the personal toll this work has had on his life.
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Who the hell at VICE decided that the use of a shutter sound to introduce every single photo was a good idea? It's incredibly annoying. Don't do it again.
here is where to find them
2000 Westchester Avenue. White Plains, NY 10650
the people responsible have names and addresses,.. deal with it
yet the people trying top prevent this here in the united states are classified as terrorist
Vice clearly not being paid off like some major news networks.
8:28 LOL the first answer is the right answer
its a shitty situation on both sides.
On the oil industry side they don't want to take responsibility because they have been doing this stuff since the beginning (late 1800s) and only in the last 20 to 40 years has western countries implemented heavy regulation on environmental protection and a lot of the developing world has no such laws so these companies technically don't need to follow best practices in the west in the developing world.
If they do choose to take responsibility as was mentioned it will create prescient for people/countries around the world to force these businesses to clean up toxic waste through court action that has been left behind from years ago in some cases even over a 100 years ago or longer which would flat out bankrupt these businesses which even in the eyes of the government is not acceptable because the whole world economy requires oil production to continue for the world economy to actually work.
The mining industry has been doing this is for 1000s of years as well and had even larger toxic waste impacts across the earth but they are in the same boat as oil where they are not held responsible for their past actions because it will flat out bankrupt them and cause the global economy to crash along with it.
Unfortunately the answer is the governments need to hire/develop specialized nationalized companies that that will start the process of reversing the environmental damage and they need to come to a negotiated terms with the Oil Mining Forestry and Gas industries for financial support to start the process of clean up, then through taxation and regulation build up a proper flow of money to continue clean up operations as well as develop laws so that these companies are held to a higher standard, Ideally its likely should be a requirement through the west and the UN to force these specific laws immediately the moment businesses in these industries look at developing projects in the developing world and having constant auditing thus making sure this process is maintained for the future.
It will likely cause products that are created via the OMFG industries to increase significantly in cost but these businesses are already used to that process via operations in the west any way so its not something these businesses cant already implement but it will likely hit them harder profit wise in developing countries as it will force price increases in those countries as well which will lower the amount of users able to pay for said products.
All options suck, but, it is what it is and we all should just accept the costs and move forward rather then playing this stupid game of chicken whilst we poison the world.
and don't forget all those mercs(death squads ) they been hired by big international companies like Chevron to remove those pesky savages to eternal hunting grounds ,who they think do they are living on their own land farming drinking fresh water , casually swimming and not bothering anyone, when there are here Americans like Chevron to remove the of that unecessary burden for them , bringing them democracy and pipelines on land they fairly stole .
Ok, that’s enough depressing videos for tonight.
Socialism for the rich. Kleptocracy for the rest of us.
This has to be one of the worst things I've ever seen :/
How does the Chevron "environmentalist" sleep at night. She's such a liar!
He's been arrested ffs
the people who made this happen shouldn't be allowed to live tbh
If not for the people
Then for the Earth itself
Hold these Faaaaakin Company's RESPONSIBLE
Make them pay already
Yes for allllll disasters
Notice how they change their company names over time
To keep a Product Model
852 dislikes. The power of corporate greed.
Greed is poison.
I think the white man has exploited the black man too much.
"Privatize profits, socialize the cost"
-Capitalism in nutshell
8:24 he just told on himself this is TERRIBLE!
Edit:absolutely true- uh I mean "untrue"
What RIGHT do these greedy corporations have to poison this river that hundreds of thousands of other people are using, and have been using for thousands for years? What a bunch of utterly heartless, pathetic excuses for human beings. Repulsive.
What's even more repulsive are the military and police who are so willing to be the government's dogs and turn against their own people! There is almost NOTHING more disgraceful and treasonous to the very essence of humanity than that!!
Evil Chevron
How… how did I not know about this? My Bach of Sci is in enviro science. I went to Central America with my uni to study environmental justice and related issues.
I mean I knew oil companies were evil but Christ on a cracker. This is like priests molesting orphans evil. And for GREED. Chevron could've still gotten incredibly rich and reduced this impact by 99%. Heck they could've helped these poor people.
STOP the CORRUPT prosecution of Steven Donziger
This is a death penalty case in my opinion.
Fight for Stephen Donziger!! Never never buy oil from Chevron again!
New York (July 26, 2021, 10:54 AM EDT) — A Manhattan federal judge on Monday found disbarred human rights lawyer Steven Donziger guilty on six counts of criminal contempt for refusing to comply with court orders in a legal battle…
Donziger is a hero.
Were gonna destroy this planet. God bless us.
“We pay the costs for their pollution, while they get the profits”.
I'm barely hearing about this atrocity nd the corrupt judges here in u.s
Corporations and govermafia work together to destroy all of the planet. It is money that is there weapon. If money doesn't work, then they will use force!!!!! It's time to remove corporations and govermafia!!!!!
Never buy gas at Chevron
I can’t wait until the next pandemic. I hope it has a kill rate of 99%. At least then the vast majority of humans will be gone.
Boycott chevron nd texaco
Where and what the hell is this company texaco ..hang them all pay for what they hv done to this innocent people…
Hi Vice, do a story on cyber crimes in Malaysia. There isn’t enough regulation so much so that it’s becoming a flourishing business to exploit
All of this for money and greed, for just a handful of people. I’m sick to my stomach.
Steve is still on house arrest people… the system has been exposed.
Bunch of comments without depth.
Ecuadorian government allows this to happen, money talks. Their government doesn't care about its people.
Thanks for the report. Can I send you some dank