Cuteness alert! Meeting my adorable little puppy for the first time after picking him up at the airport. Oscar Wilde is the cutest boy in the history of cuteness. He is a Coton de Tulear and he is eight weeks old. We picked him up from LAX here in Los Angeles yesterday and took him home with us. He flew all the way from Dallas. He is such a loving fur ball.
#cotondetulear #cutepuppy #puppylove
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Follow Oscar:
Instagram @OscarWildePuppy
TikTok @OscarWIldePuppy
The Coton de Tuléar is a breed of small dog named for the city of Tuléar in Madagascar. This breed is thought to have originated from a group of small white dogs who swam across the Malagasy channel following a shipwreck.
Cotons, as they’re called for short, are loving, adaptable dogs who get along well with just about everybody. That includes kids, cats and other dogs! They can fit in with apartment dwellers or live in larger homes, so long as they aren’t left alone for long hours of the day. These low-maintenance pooches can even thrive with novice pet parents who are new to the dog world. If you’re looking for a sweet, smart, playful addition to your family, you’d have a hard time finding a better breed!
You're right, Cotons are THE BEST DOGGOS IN THE WORLD.
We are getting one next month
How do you deal with the separation anxiety
Must not have gotten the puppy from a Code of Ethics Coton breeder since I know none of them would ever send a puppy on a plane by himself.
Vilken söt liten en! 🥰
I am Annie from South Korea!
My family also fell in love with the coton de tulea, and we have been looking for some coton breeders in korea, then turns out there is only ONE breeder here and that we have to wait for two and half years!!(because of the longlong waiting list)
We are now looking for some cotons in other countries… If your okay with it, can we know where you got your Oscar???
We would be pleased to know!!
Thank you!!!!1
What breeder in Dallas????
Which breed?
Awe, momma kisses
You two will make fabulous fur-parents. H
I am overwhelmed with envy right now. So precious! ❤️❤️❤️
@Kjersti Flaa… So Happy to see you guy's getting Oscar ! Pets in general, but especially dogs are so good to have in your life. Literally w/o any effort whatsoever these cute, loveable, sweet little gift's from above can bring so much happiness & joy to you're life that it's almost indescribable. What a precious little guy Oscar is ! So happy for you Kjersti, I'm a huge dog lover & it's so easy to relate w/ the feelings that these little puppies bring into you're life. Enjoy & love him everyday my friend, I know you will… Bye for now & bye bye Oscar, I can't wait to see you again… p.scott👣🐾
I love Cotons. I have my second now…you should join the Cotons fb groups, if you’re not already. It a big coton Family.
Omg so cute! We have a new puppy too w/ a welcome home video
Åååå, helledussan så nydelig 🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍
I just found your channel. You're an amazing interviewer , better than many others with more fame! Good Luck!
❤️❤️❤️ Oscar ❣️
Gratulerer, så vakker! 🥰
Oscar my goodness the cutest😘
OMG the most beautiful puppy. love him so much godmother mathilde
What a cutie 😀💕
Liten snuskeluskedusk 🥰🥰🥰
Åååå, så fin! 🥰