crew: BFM (Blood For Money)
cord: discord.gg/bfm
group link: https://www.roblox.com/groups/7851632/Blood-For-Money#!/about
1st song: no return – polo g
2nd song: shakira! – 1nonly
3rd song: dance! – 1nonly
4th song: kiss – 1nonly
5th song: flex – polo g
thumbnail made by: genoskee
This is me but I just have garbage aim I shoot the ground instead of them
I miss old dh when you can dupe rev and db🥲🥲
What’s the song name?
U should be called deadpool
Make more please 😭
describing u in 1 word: resilient.
Hey yo bro you know me from roblox pet simulator x im the guy name tgtiger066 bro
Ban? Roblox?
Yo this man is crazy I found him on TikTok wtf
hi julian big fan could i ask something rq whats ur sens and dpi
waiting for the next vid :3
what do you use to edit?
this man is a monster i can call a crew with like 39 people and he will still beat them imao 😆
What graphics card do you have?
what is the name of the 2nd song
im late
Julian can you enable you inventory plsssssss
More please
how do u get so much robux to buy these items, (korblox leg, headless head, valk) ;(
post more vids