Original Video:
Just Da Tip
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Original Video:
Just Da Tip
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Love this channel…feel like the only place I'm accepted. Love fam!!
Our justice system is pure shit. I honestly doubt it will ever be fixed. You have people who get screwed out of a good life that are innocent and then people who committed cold blooded unremorseful homicide who get parole and walk free like nothing ever happened. Makes no sense and is seriously unjust.
12 years in prison on a drug conviction, but less than 10 years for murder. WTF?!!!!
Honestly speaking, you obviously do not know people (even you're spouse, kin, parents, neighbor etc) so, with that said with the persona and vibe that I observe with your videos I truly pray for more people to be more compassionate, honest, and overall support what is truly right. I could never understand some human beings moral compass which I know a lot of factors persuade people to have different points of view but how 🤔in the ever creating mind do jurors go and complete disrupt the scales of what's wrong and what's right when it is not a wager of it could have been thus person but when there is pure evidence as to thus person has committed such an atrocious and heinous crime (i.e. sexually invading any child, elderly, and/or innocent victim, or kidnapped, killing, etc) now any crime against humanity not possession and b.s. as that but any acts against humanity and living beings too. Anyways, I do not think a juror or judge could give the sole verdict against anything but the victims wishes or the who they are survived by. Eye for an eye. How is it any form punishment when they are fed, taken care of medically, dental etc have opportunity for schooling all paid by taxe payers to come out and commit crimes repeatedly? Then there is monster as these who even are given a new name and even social security for PTSD for being in prison! Are you frigging kidding me? Yet, no compensation for victims, no justice. On top the devil's advocates who defend and give
Sicko he is
Hey L and fam.Now run them like up
I hate this judicial system. Everyone on this list should be subjected to the tortures from the other lists on your other videos. Bronze bull (represent my Greek side) or the bloody eagle.
I believe people can repent and change. The one that died in the car crash I was sad for. He had a family and it sounded like he had changed his life around. Remember what Bizzle said in his response to Joyner, “if I punish every sin would you live tonight?”
guns aint the problem, the fucked up kids and parents are
Execution is to good for him. That demon will just have to come back to quickly. Isolation for the rest of his life in prison.
All killed.
This happens because of how we were boomed and kill. The killers back then, produced killers of today.
Because of my PTSD and trama I've been through
I have to be where I can see the whole room in just one motion of turning my head
In 1972, Reimann shot and killed five people at the former Pine Village Restaurant at the Rt. 47-34 southwest corner in a $624 robbery, then convicted and sentenced to five 150-year terms, although serving about 44 years when he was paroled in 2018 by the Illinois Prisoner Review Board in an 8-4 vote.
That is so stupid to let them free and then clean the records completely like that they didn't do nothing that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life they committed murder they should spend the rest of their lives in prison no matter if they're young they killed and they'll kill again
Why in hell would they release that man he murdered People In Cold Blood shot him in the head and he's walking free just because he's older and he's at Strokes or whatever cancer what the heck does that matter he killed people if he was Hispanic or a black person they would not be walking the streets they would be rotting in that prison
I always cook in my home but one time I went to the restaurant and I felt weird a restaurant for the first place in my life I never put my back to the to the door always got to face the door because my father almost got killed when his back was to the door but my brother saved his life
Show me why are they free in the first place if they're murderers why are they free roaming in the streets capable of killing somebody again my God why are they free
I see why your not a police officer anymore your like everyone else me you the world. Sometimes vigilantism sometimes just straight I can’t do this it takes forever for police to get honest real suspects in jail it is a flaw in the system. As where you can be a PI and get them in a week and choose to fuck them up or give info to police to sit on a desk. Good lookin bro. Sorry if I made it sound like your into those things I meant you prob got tired of justice not being takin. Don’t know nor want to ask id like to believe what I think. God bless either way. I can’t listen right now it’s upsetting I will look up other things you’ve got that are less sad.
100000000 % cops set the card up to get him. No one reports cards stolen that quick to grab food right after but two things. Good for the cops even tho that’s entrapment but he’s the exception to the rule he’s sick and two WHYYYYY Why did he risk it over a burger?
Thank you I cried
So in the 2nd clip the guy got more tine for a conceales firewmr and 3/4 of an ounce of weed then he did for KILLING 5 people?? Like bro dem L says, make that make sense to me?!?! 😡😠🤬🤬😠😡
LOL you crack me up " how is a mass murderer free and more importantly are they near me !!! '
I always sit facing the door myself … back to he wall
It's a MaN dad father thing …
See who is coming and going cuz you never know what might happen