Critical Role Campaign 3 Episode 3 happened (SPOILERS) and Bertrand Bell (Travis Willingham) takes center stage. I go through the history & highlights of Sir Bertrand Bell starting with the post Campaign 1 one-shots — the Search for Grog & The Search For Bob with Vox Machina, before a Campaign 3 Recap. I review Bertrand Bell’s time with the group, his last words (Lieve’tel), and his tragic death. I then react to my thoughts about Bertrand as a character in Critical Role Campaign 3.
Bertrand Bell was my favorite character of these first 3 episodes of Critical Role Campaign 3, as he had many funny moments and highlights. This video took nearly 30 hours to produce. I hope you enjoy this retrospective of Bertrand Bell’s origins and life. Pour one out for Sir Bertrand Bell!
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0:00 Bertrand Questions
0:23 The Search For Grog
4:16 The Search For Bob
5:29 Before Campaign 3
6:00 Campaign 3 – Episode 1
7:34 Campaign 3 – Episode 2
12:41 Campaign 3 – Episode 3
17:14 – Bertrand’s Death
20:04 Matt Mercer Twitter
20:34 – My Reaction & Thoughts
Music provided by – https://www.streambeats.com/
#criticalrole #bertrandbell #criticalrolecampaign3 #criticalrolespoilers #critrole #traviswillingham #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #campaign3 #ttrpg #dnd5e
Critical Role Official Artwork by Hannah Friederichs (http://hannahfriederichs.squarespace.com/) & Kit Buss (https://www.anemonetea.com/)
You're my boy, Bert!
Campaign 3 Episode 3 Recap Reaction & Review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpm8T6dHLSA
Bertrand Bells 4 Life
I haven't seen his actual first appearance in the previous campaign/one-shot, but I loved Bertrand the moment he was introduced in C3. I'm still so bummed that he's dead.
He may have been a bit of a fraud, but the old man deserved better
i love how the group bulies him until his death lmao
I am SO HOOKED on C3 now.
So is Vax gonna take his soul to the Raven Queen now or something like that?
The fact that he once was level 18, with 19 str and dex is still impressive, except if he was the man who took a wish card from grog deck of many things, and after wishing for being a lord, wished for battle skill
Hell's Bells
holy! now i remember all of those. it has been so long xD
thanks for the vid 🙂
We need bert one shot we've seen old bert we've seen very old bert we need to see him in he's younger peak days
I really hope travis’s new character is less grounded. His previous characters could do cool things but not super fantastical things. I’d like to see how he handles a class thats more caster than fighter
Strong disagree at the end!
So yeah, a bunch of us thought Bert would die super early. That sequence was definitely not railroaded, Travis wanted it to happen and he knew that they were in with the employer. Travis wanting something to happen took a walk at night by himself, and Matt took the super easy opportunity to bring in the villain they just met (plus Bert was boasting a lot and making a scene) and see what story the dice roll. Travis also definitely knew that he had that -3 death saves and that if he took the long rest the quick and easy (and not obvious) way out would be gone for a while.
So anyone else guessing Travis's character will be a half elf and the son of Bertrand and Lieve’tel?
Ok so I’m pretty sure out of game Matt and Travis planned it, but you could theorize that in game there is a chance it is because Imogen used Bertrand’s name in the tavern and that’s why the dwarf was able to find him, I mean in d&d there are ways of finding people for spellcasters that are even easier if you know their name, it’s just a theory but it could make sense why he was the one who was targeted, that and he was the only one who was completely alone when he went out for his walk
yeahhh. I'm calling cap on that natural 20.
Hell’s Bells
I anticipated his death tbh, I figured he'd just be a character there to bring the group together. My plot twist prediction is that Bell's reincarnated by accident instead of revived properly, becoming Travis' new character with the same connections to the party.
And now his watch has ended.
RIP Noble knight
PREDICTION!!!!! In the Halloween Episode Fearne asked Bell if he had any kids, and Bell responded "Not that I know of" Now, what if Travis' next character is the child or grandchild OF Sir Bertrand Bell?!?!?!
It might be nothing but I'm putting my guess here so if on the skin chance I'm right there is evidence
Headcannon for the age discrepancy: Bertrand was obviously trying to make a comeback before Campaign 3, and rejuvinating magic does exist. Could be possible he tried to seek some out.
As much as i love to see Travis play a new character – Sir Bell was indeed a Legend! Maybe it deserves a One-Shot spinnoff some day.
Travis's true character will be oshad, the person orym is looking for.
I really liked how they sent off his character. I didn't see him as a full PC anyway, more of a NPC with a wonderful actor to play the part. It was a smart way to involve Travis and get the party together with solid motivations.
The death itself you could almost see coming from a mile away with the way Bertrand was acting. It was a great example of a classic stereotype "this person 100% wont make it to the end of the episode"
Travis really laid it on thick giving out a lot of his gold, wisdom, stories, and letting himself feel happy in his final moments. And while he probably didn't know how he would die, he clearly knew he had to have his character go off and be alone. I also dont think a 80 yr old drunk man could strike first against a powerful rogue so him not even rolling initiative makes sense. The gamblers blade made it certain he couldn't save for his death and Matt was lucky enough to roll a 20, even though the dwarf seems to be able to attack 4 times in a round.
Not everything can be improv and it definitely shocked the cast enough. It created a good story that to me is what matters most. Im excited to meet Travis's true character!
I am going to totally miss Sir Bertrand Bell. He was such a great addition that his departure saddened me to no end. Those younger rapscallions insulted and abused that poor old man so many times, but it seems like Sir Bertrand had it coming. Cant wait to see Travis' 'real' character for C3
You will be missed Bertie! Your death shall be avenged!!
I have a feeling that the exandria characters and Bertrand are stand-ins to weave together a more complex story.
Ngl, kinda motivated to make a half elf bastard son of Bertrand
I was honestly triggered by how badly he was treated the man walked the planes of pandemonium and battled a demigod.
If the rest of the group don’t agree they should be called “Bertrand’s Bells” in honor of their fallen comrade then I’m gonna be pissed
I very much enjoyed the pc/npc Bertrand since he was first introduced.. he added a different kind of leivity that was a bit lacking. His glory days gone, a task well done, content in the end by passing on as a “warrior” he will be missed.
What is the music you used during Bertrand's Death? That shit was chill I have a need.
Well done on the vid!
So much Elder Abuse
I love (loved) this character and I hope his death brings ALL the guilt out in the others, how they've been treating this 80+ years old man. Stabbing, hitting, bullying…