World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films http://www.WA2S.org
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My DoDo: http://www.mydodo.org
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Like The Dodo, Hope For Paws & Howl of a Dog? You’ll love Howl & Hope For Dodo Dogs rescue videos from the World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films.
On Saturday morning we were to meet up with prolific Detroit dog rescuer Lori Briggs at the corner of Grover and Mayfield in NE Detroit where a puppy of only a few months has been living. Lori had a live humane trap with which she would collect the puppy and transport to safety with DAWG (Detroit Animal Welfare Group), however the puppy had other ideas. But before the puppy story is told, there is the story of a girl dog that was devoted to her male companion.
On her way down Mayfield, Lori came upon 2 dogs, one of which was in rough condition and definitely needed help. He was white with some black marking, rather beat up, and had mange. She was able to contain this male dog quickly, but wanted to take the female as well; she was dark tan in color and was less beat up than her friend. This is when WA2S learned of Lori’s situation right down the street.
I walked down Mayfield to her location, another stray dog crossing in front of me on the way, disappearing into an abandoned house. Lori had secured the male in her van, but the female was pretty quick on the draw and while she wasn’t willing to let Lori get too close, she clearly was not leaving the space.
The female was not going to walk into the trap, so Lori decided to bring the male dog back out in an effort to lure the female close enough to snare her.
The female complied!
She was quite happy to follow her pal and Lori around; she sat next to him in the underbrush but proved quite cunning when Lori tried to snare her. She ran in the bushes but circled back around to have a rest with her pal again. After a few unsuccessful tries, Lori tried having her follow them into a fenced yard however this female dog said no way!
Right next door there was an abandoned house that gave Lori another idea. She carefully led the male dog up the broken down steps of the front porch and into the house. Our female friend watched closely and determined that she needed to find her pal in the house. She bounded up the steps and into the living room. Lori was headed toward the living room from the back of the house and was able to snare the female!
Kelley Labonte of DAWG was meeting us in order to pick up the puppy that was going to be trapped however the first stop now turned out to be this pair. The dogs were transferred to 2 kennels in the DAWG vehicle to the DAWG House. To adopt from DAWG: http://dawghous.com/animal-up-for-adoption/
Later that afternoon Tom and I paid them a visit. They were given the names Gabriella & Troy.
Gabriella & Troy appear to be truly feral as they were not used to human contact and were skeptical. When we arrived Kelley opened their crates to see if they would come out.
Then Kelley brought treats in which she could hide a pill to help their mange. While cautious Gabriella would not take the treat from Kelley’s hand, Troy would. This began the trust building process.
Though Gabriella had touched her toes outside her crate earlier then retreated, water that her friend was drinking was much too tempting to pass up. She exited her crate and happily lapped up a lot of water. She went back to her crate, but very shortly after that came back out and climbed into the crate with her friend Troy!
This moment touched my heart and confirmed what I’d watched in the field where she would not leave him. She trusts and dare I say, loves, her boyfriend Troy. I’m sure snuggling up with him made her feel safe.
These two have a long road ahead of them with vetting and socializing and preparing for life, but they are in great hands and I have high hopes for a wonderful life for them.
For the record, the puppy the WA2S team had been watching over for a week never had a visit by Detroit Animal Care and Control although they had been called twice. Puppy since rescued – video soon!
Written by Deanna McPhee
WA2S Films is:
Deanna McPhee & Tom McPhee
This video was created with the financial assistance of donors across the globe including: Associate Producer, Diane Donnelly of The Donnelly Group
c. 2017 All Rights Reserved
Hiring WA2S Films for Your Next Branded Shoot
Supports the World Animal Awareness Society
818.561.5109 Los Angeles
Narration courtesy of Vocal artist Mark Rider: http://ridervo.com
music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
The words The Dodo are trademarked by their rightful owner: TheDodo.com, Inc. which is owned by Group Nine Media GNM: Serial Number: 86975013
World Animal Awareness Society & WA2S Films have no affiliation with GMN or The Dodo whatsoever.
What a great idea!!
Thank you for all you are doing 🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
A dog rescue with a grand piano for serenading the dogs. How good does it get?! Lucky pups, they are.
Bravo astuta CHICA ❤👍
Oh NO!!! I can’t find the next episode!!?? They are amazingly in love 💙💗💙
aaawe so sweet how he squishes his way into her carrier lol
Thank you for all that you do to save these beautiful dogs. I appreciate all the love kindness you show to help them. Thanks again ❤️❤️❤️
So amazing , so smart
I love Lori Briggs she is amazing!!!!
🙏🐕🐕🐕🐕 I appreciate all you do !!!! Keep up the great work!! Thank you too to all the foster parents of these babies!! 🐕🐕🐕🐕 🙏 God bless all of you who appreciate the love that they can give and are willing to be loved as they are to love back!💕💕💕
Humans are so slow…animals tell you what they need….follow the other pooch…she walks & stops to see if humans are following…but are slow to pick up on this. We need to be more aware of how & what our four legged companions are telling us. Who really has the higher intelligence?
Good job, thank you.
I love this video second time watching
This video is a Golden Doody Finalist! Vote for your favorite rescue by watching, sharing and commenting. Watch the 24 finalist videos representing the 10 rescue nominees playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsNp-X3Ezxk&list=PLYERe63qNi0xLEMIwlmczSGkPz4NNsGZW
Help the World Animal Awareness Society save thousands of at risk dogs working with dozens of dog rescues around the world. The work never stops, and we need you. Donate and help us help rescuers save more lives! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=X39TAU4NPNGVN
Thank you so much for saving these dogs! I hope they get adopted together. It will be heartbreaking to see them separate.
What are DACC actually doing to help all these dogs!!?? Not much by the sounds of it. Thank god for charities like yourselves or these poor dogs would most certainly die of a slow death or live a life of misery. You are angels Indy eyes. 🙌🙌🙌
So cute
I like dogs and cats I em a cat lover and a dog lover
YOU ALL ARE THE BEST. The amount of time you put in in unbelievable. I would love to take the male, even with those LOUD EARS when he shook!! But if they need to stay together I will take both. Tell me where they are.
I hope they can get adopted together.
Wow! This does take time, but is worth it. Beautiful dog. Both are good dogs. Lucky them.
Beautiful work ladies
"why you be with these humans. We are dog!"
Love those drone shots.
I hope they are adopted together
God bless you❤️
Where is the follow up Video?
They are sooo sweet to each other. I hope they found a fur-ever home where this couple could be together.
You have update God bless you
Right now I hAve six two fosters partially
blind deaf and four adopted
If some people cannot afford to adopt they could always foster so rewarding to see them become different loving pets and trusting us. I love all animals
Good job!
I would love to adopt them both,but live in Iowa,be wonderful if they could be kept together,they have a deep bond.I have a farm an plenty of room,4 acres
so thirsty … I feed feral cats and live in Fla. … fresh water is so important for them … if you feed strays be sure to put out fresh water too…
beautiful hearts of beautiful women….please don't ever seperate these poor souls…they are soul mates and should be adopted together…else they will grieve just like humans…the female dog seem so full of love and affection for her friend…it's so touching that I cried….knowing what it's like to be abandoned.
That tan female dog sure is one smart cookie! She'll make a great pet. She is very loyal to the beautiful brown and white male with mange…it was lovely to watch Lori be so patient, and took all the time necessary to capture the female without too much stress being involved… these people have a wonderful job. They are heroes every day! May God bless them in the work that they do!😇👍🏾🙈🙊🙉
Thank you for the video. The dogs are not feral. Feral dogs would never ever have gotten close enough to Lori to be caught… let alone been so compliant and non-threatening after they were caught. Just two sweet dogs, fending for themselves for a long time, but certainly used to human contact in the not too distant path. Bless you all! ♥
do you show when the dogs are rehomed
omg i love the end, they love each other, hope they'll find a home for both together
awww, they love each other, im going to pray they get adopted together
two choke chains on one dog
Thank you very much from my heart for helping to animals.
Oh no don't want to wait for next episode lol . They love each other so much . I hope they are adopted together
Well done
It s sadly to see all homeless dogs
Such lovely dogs. God Bless you and Thank you.