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❗️ INFO ❗️
These videos are solely used for education purposes on road safety and how better conduct yourself on the road.
DISCLAIMER: This video is only for educational purposes and was done to document the traffic risk factors! We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!
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#baddrivers, #motorcycles, #roadrage
Ephesians 5:15-17
"Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise; making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is."
Should have called it Bikers crying
"SOMEONE GOT IN FRONT OF ME, WAA WAA WAAAAAAA! I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M EXPECTED TO OBEY TRAFFIC LAWS LIKE EVERYONE ELSE, AND CAN'T SPEED THROUGH LANES COMPLETELY UNOBSTRUCTED!!! WAAAAAA!!!!!" I thought bikers were supposed to be tough, and have a code of honor and all that. I don't know why videos like this are even posted, it just makes them all look like whiny little jackasses.
I need you to slide that intro song
bro where the fuck are the fights man like bro…..
I didn't see one fight
Not one fight. Just babies on bikes. I wish i could take back my view.
I felt bad for the lady who confronted the biker, you could hear the frustration. Props to the biker for having a heart.
Buddy you must not know what fight means go back to school idiot
Wow I think buddy was on a suicide trip that was my first thought, my second thought – Don't ask a crazy person if they're ok- cause Clearly they're not, then after asking I thought was he was going to get up and run like those things from I Am Legend😳. The physical altercation wasn't a surprise for me..
more bitches on bikes!
This video is ass titles a total lie
Respect to the dirt bike rider and the old lady
OK fuck that!!! That poor old black woman was 100% right!!! bikes are fucking loud and if she has a special needs daughter then you should have some more fucking respect before karma bites you in the ass!!!
Thank you for watching 😀!
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