Fails Of The Week
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Video inspired by Failarmy
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failsnare again.. c'mon what a cpyright claim
0:19 Translate: "And the phrase of the day is: If jesus with open arms didn't make everyone happy, imagine me, with crossed arms" lmao
The girl on bike said "if Jesus of open arms didnt please everyone, so who will say I'm gonna please of closed arms"
0:33 love it.
7:03 what was the big idea?
She went a2d2 mode,
wifi goes out
the mom: oh, it’s those dang hot-air balloons again!
1:11 had me dead XD, One last huzzah!
Fail vids seem to be for stupid people laughing at the misadventures of others…or causing them.
КОСОЛАПЫЕ В ТИК ТОКЕ! psy screamer=
"Come out of the closet and I'll pronounce you man and wife."
3:07 where can I find that clip?
this whole video:
Why you posting old clips, first you used to post 1,2 old clips we were fine but now its almost like half of the clips were old
I like number 445
2:42 a cat won't calm down because they get terrified and aggressive..
5:45 My IQ dropped 30 points just watching this
5:02 who else would gladly kiss that and make it better
0:30 honestly…that idiot could have had the misfortune of pulling that stunt on the wrong person that night and end up getting shot.
Mr Christopher Mayan broke his damn neck and skull and tried to play it off. Lol
Should that be for woman only?
Wearing a Grinch shirt and a Naughty hat, and wonders why Santa didn't get her a real iphone?
5:47: Also war das nicht mal wieder ein GVSD???
5:01 instant thong permanent
i love getting high in my shed and watching ur compilations with my buds
this was very funny
1 : 11 "BIG LEBOWSKI" (( :
Only taking up 1/4 of the available screen definitely makes the videos funnier.