A stranger approaches a stallions territory and a life or death fight to control it begins.
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Taken From Planet Earth II
In one of the most ambitious landmark series, Planet Earth II allows us to experience how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth. Travelling through jungles, deserts, mountains, islands, grasslands and cities, this series explores the unique characteristics of Earth’s most iconic habitats and the extraordinary ways animals survive within them. New technology has allowed individual stories to be captured in an unparalleled level of detail.
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Black power
How do they know the stranger travelled ten miles lol
What a agrassive horses fight
The great stallion that’ll mount the world.
all these horse noises are in rdr
this is how my pony thinks he looks like fighting one of his field buddies..
Footage is so beautifully captured
I am black man and I automatically sided with the black horse 😂. Funny I laughed at my self at the end .
Is that real or is he dramatizing ?
"if he can't provide his females with water, they will leave him for the white stallion".
this sentence makes it crystal clear for me that there's no such thing called real love in this world.
I would love to see two cars fight !!! I'm waiting for your next video 😂
Bruh, who worked on the music though?
Feels like my life is on the line watching these horses fight..
That was it? And the black horse won! Dang! That was so easy
These stories are lies. The white stallion can still drink and mate with the females. The one dominant male is just a lie to give the video a cinematic theme.
Majestic creatures.
The white stallions rule is over.
Two Knight chess pieces battling in real life nature
yeah, you should see zebras.
the fights are just as violent and the mating…
well the less said about that the better!
(seriously, don't google zebras mating, there are things you can't unsee)
So where's the mating exactly?
So that's why Immortan Joe has horse teeth in his mask.
Superb… vocal and cast…BBC awesome as always…
This fight provides deep insights for human history too.
Beautiful spiritual creatures 💜
Black minority horse fights for its horsey rights against the white colonizing horse. 🤣🤣
Alternative Title: You miss, I hit!
if i were a horse i would be a white female and have a black mate
i like the one with the already dried up pools so he came… he is a handsome horse
Reminds me of "Spirit", good animation movie tho