It has been a busy week for first responders when in comes to horses doing stupid things. In this case horses may not have done the stupid things but they are in tricky situations that require teams of people an equipment to get them out.
Massive flooding in British Columbia, Canada has cut off the province from the rest of the country as the roads washed out and houses were washed away in the floods. The first video shows an incredible rescue story of an RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer off duty and the two unlikely civilians that would work together to save each other and their animals.
The second rescue involves a horse getting trapped in a narrow ditch in which first responders have to work together to keep the horse calm and attach the harness to get the horse out of the ditch with out getting injured.
These are every equestrians nightmare and we are lucky to have the people and the tools to make these rescues possible. These people are heros!
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This is what people who love animals, any of them, do for each other and their animals! Love it. Thank you. Makes no difference if they are Olympic mounts or backyard kids,they all count! โค๐ค๐