http://www.hsus.org/acf/news/cazenovia_wisconsin_300_animals_rescued_052109.html May 19, 2009: Cazenovia, Wisconsin. More than 300 animals have …
http://www.hsus.org/acf/news/cazenovia_wisconsin_300_animals_rescued_052109.html May 19, 2009: Cazenovia, Wisconsin. More than 300 animals have …
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I love that they are doing this and rescuing these dogs from that horrible place since I am part of a rescue group, foster and volunteer. But the sad part is people believe that shelters are just completely safe and just a much better place for these dogs, its not! I have been to my local shelter more times than I keep track off and it also just completely horrible! dogs get euthanized and they are not always clean and they get diseases and are rearly take out. I just don't want people to think that by putting them in a shelter is making it all better, because its not. even animal rescues cant rescue all animals.
I didnt know waht a puppymill was before like five months ago cause of hsus, thanks to them i learned to be carefull if im gonna buy a dog!
Why aren't the local papers and TV news stations there when these animals are saved. They don't have to name people or show faces (for court cases), but let the locals know that it is still going on in their neighborhoods.
omg these poor baby's…
saving them of course
ok this is cruel and I hate puppy mills srsly I want to be just like u when I grow up
or a puppy mill!
thank you for helping them. and bring awareness to us. most people don't even know what puppy mill is.
It does look like a factory farm. But instead of cows, pigs and chickens suffering, it's dogs. I wish somebody could help the animals that people eat. 🙁
howe can they do this serisly what are they thinking whit are they blind cant they se the poor dogs? please dont do this to animales
how bout all their life? i think thats VERY good
only sad thing is the best thing is to proberly put the animals down sadly as there is not enough homes and iv seen horse nearly dide from depression in cages waiting for homes
looks like a factory farm
i think i have cried 5 times from watching this
this is not what god put us on the earth for!!!
i am greatful for you amazing ppls saveing these animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how greed looks like, disgusting, i am ashamed, to be a person.
@lynneviolet…. Yeah throw the evil people in the deep hole cave!!!
Thank you Humane Society! I'm hugging my dog like crazy right now who came from a puppy mill. Awww this is so sad
This is what happens when the four legged are bred for profit.
The focus on money leads to a complete compromise on their welfare.
Until the day comes that the living are not for sale, this will keep happening.
I grew up right in that area for part of my childhood . There are alot of good people around that area its sad too see people treating animals so awfull what a bunch of jerks
wait did you buy him you mean from this actual farm place? like before it was busted. because it is good that your puppy is now safe, but at the same time you were supporting this cruelty. when a person buys a puppy from here, they are just causing more litters and more animals to go through cruelty. maybe you didn't know about this, but you should never buy a pup from one of these places or pet stores, even if u think you are helping the pup cause u are really causing other animals to suffer
This was not a puppy mill, it was a "rescue shelter" for all types of animals. It was run by one lady named Jennifer Petkus. She had her own website donated by the local Tech College to request money for the animals. She obviously did not use the money for the animals. If you would like a copy of the report contact me, it includes starvation of the animals and hiding their bodies under hay bales. Also she would not allow the investigator to euthanise a ram with a broken leg that was near death.
Thanks once again, HSUS, for your good work. I'm glad you're there to help animals when they need it, and to expose disgraceful places like this.
What we need is a national ban on the number of animals one breeder can have at a time. That will end puppy mills, and good riddance.
Living in Wisconsin and being an avid watcher of many animal welfare organizations I watched this story unfold.
However, for those of you ranting about puppy mills, this specific rescue was not a puppy mill. It was a "rescue organization". And the information you gave on puppy mills I fully agree with, but everyone needs to get together and work against ANYONE mistreating animals, even if it's a "rescue group".
And you would know about this, would you? Heartless git.
i would adopt any of them! i'm planning on to have a dog and cat nursery in my house, along with an adoption center, they must fill out a form, my own, to make sure they are nice, a stray center, who I'm trying to keep together in adoption, a vet for all animals, a zoo vet,… that's my goal.
omg..i cant stand people like this that have all those animals and no respect for them and only want the money, makes me sick.
Good work HSUS! keep it up. Ban puppie mills like this..and the USDA needs to make stiffer restrictions on these places .
plz keep us updated on the animals.
great work hsus!
buyers should always ask to come to the breeders house, and veiw the parents, as no puppy mill owner will let youy do both.
hsus, you should do a vid on how to tell a true breeder from a puppy mill. if people stop buying from them, it makes their job harder.