Podcast guest 331 is Marissa Nina Goldberg. During Marissa’s near death experience she encountered 3 entities. After her NDE experience Archangel Raphael started visiting her.
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This was so brilliant and fascinating; definitely one of the best interviews.A lesson in spirituality and soul evolvement which I listened to, totally entranced. Thank you so much Marissa and Jeff 🌸🌞
This was my favorite episode so far. Thank you!
What a wonderful, inspiring woman. Thank you. I loved this interview.
She says she became Jewish, I think she means at birth.
I think she’s talking about lighting Shabbat candles, which we do every week on Friday evenings.
Marissa thank you for the courage to speak up and share your story! And thanks to Jeff too
Hi from South Africa. Thank you for sharing Marissa. Awesome experience.
An amazing lady! So glad I watched this! Thank you both!!!
I am repeatedly left with the impression from these NDEs, that God shows the "deceased" what He knows that the person needs to experience, He informs them according to His purpose for their lives, what is right for one, is not right for the other, and that Divine push is always in the direction of love. Not hard doctrinality, but love. "On this (love) hang all of the law and prophets.".
Audio was superb, video was very choppy, you both handled a difficulty communication quite well, there could easily have been "stumbling" over each other with choppy, communication/response delays.
. 41:00 I am with Marissa 80% of the way regarding what to expect from life, how to interact with people/situations, and the beautiful sights, sounds, fragrances of nature etc. She also has that "watermark" that goes with all who genuinely experience NDE, that "watermark" is to instinctively, unpremeditatedly be helpful , be an encouragement to others. The very fact that Marissa is willing to create this video, is the impulse to be helpful to others, and THAT is a life well lived.
I appreciate the honesty of Marissa's experience, no fantastical embellishments, and intelligent contemplation on what all of this could signify.
Nice! She is a Lovely human being! I think URI is light, light of God? I know Hebrew is left to right. I guess I thought Angels we’re not gods. They were created by God. We are all part of Him I think. She is very wise.
So inciteful, thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️ Xx
Thank you so much for sharing❤🥰. You're only the second person besides myself that has addressed the dark attachments. I saw them too. I have a pretty good idea of what they are and I really try not yo give them free rent in my mind or speak about them unless I really feel I need to because I feel it can attract and fuel them. They aren't a good thing at all. It was one of the only negative parts of my experience. I debated even commenting on them.
Jeff Mara you should try and find a way to reach out to the survivors on the "I SURVIVED" show. I bet they are loaded with NDE stories. Just a thought.
This is great & rings true to me! 💖
Curious about sending love to the neighbor who did something mean to you. Would you keep sending love to a neighbor who is blasting satanic bass all day and night? For how many years? Or, are we just talking about a one time thing in which we are the big great love senders?
Every word Marissa spoke resonated to my body mind and spirit. Thank you!!! God bless and Shalom. Thank you Jeff for being such a great interviewer :)))
Thanks Jeff. Thanks also to Marissa for sharing her experiences with us. Such a sweet lady. 💖
Awesome Interview 💚💚🙏🙏
21:00 Hebrew for the word "positive ".
One of my top 3 favorite interviews… absolutely love her and enthralled with her spiritual wisdom ….. I related , accepted and understood everything she shared …. I wish I could sit for coffee and listen to her for a couple hours.
Happy Thanksgiving to Jeff and family as well, and all the followers
Lovely experience and interview, thank you so much both of you!
As Marissa spoke about the geometrical forms I got very alert, for during a meditation on a course of 'using your intuition', I found myself in a sort of black cloudy space, while a sort of geometrical forms were floating by. Formed of white lightning lines, the way chemical or geometrical body's are visualized. As I mentioned a beginning of a moving in the upper right corner, and I did not want to go 'sucked into that (tunnel?)', I decided to get back into my body. But the sight of those floating 'elements' I will never forget. As if the 'formula's' of things drifted there.
So many say they did or can pop out of their body, yet none prove it. Same with her saying she had visions of things that would happen in the future. Really? Show us video of where you said something that happened. I mean floods? yeah there will always be floods, lol.
Spot on with the fear being the root problem of all ills.
Jeff it’s Thanksgiving day and I really appreciate you🐢