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They Want Your SPIRIT broken!!! Stand Up and Never Be Defeated!!! MUST SEE
For People With No Passion, No Purpose And Feel Lost!! This Will Change Everything! (Amazing!)
How to stop Caring What Other People Think
Meta – What's The Metaverse Really About? | The Creepy Truth!
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Stop the cap Mr Anderson you can run but can hide .. Some people aint ready to go jail or die for this cause
I ll prefer if you talk to me, without all ypur selling system and live reapeted gifs for impress my subconsciuosness. Authenticy without speculating
Where are you streaming?
hello from India guyz….
Ralph u r appreciated….
Much Respect….
Love you 😇🐦🍋🌿🌏
Peeeace back once again for another important message. Breathing in that good ass prana baby!
6:40 and i knew you were gonna point at us and say that before you did it 😉
I am free!!
Thankyou for spreading the Truth!!! So much Love ☮️❤️😊🏹🌎
I am from Austria , escaped to Bali long time ago and watching from the background what’s happening in Vienna. I am so happy they stood up for themselves ❤️ 🇦🇹
Thank You. You are soooo appreciated 💜🙏🌸
I realize the words you said were in fact English words, but the order in which you've decided to place them makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
A ton of words to ultimately say nothing at all.
It's so frustrating that there are people out there that think this word salad made any sense at all and reinforce this idiots nonsensical, incoherent ramblings by acting like you comprehend what the hell he was talking about.
Splashing the word freedom into a word salad and trying to pass it off as some sort of wisdom.
Is it a lucrative grift cuz I can do that nonsense too I just like being able to look myself in the mirror in the morning.
Oh man Ralph! Is that Portugal behind you?
This came in time. Thx.
Wow!!! At begging I was thinking that is Big entrance and I like it make me smile. Elllllllllo Ralph X Thank you for Help me 💫
Just awesome 🙌💫🙏💞
Let your actions be an example of the world you want to see.
I love you man
My man Ralph
Keep that same energy I been saying that
You been saying this for years
Inspiration every day.. !! =)) gratuitous One Love
Love you Raphl my body, my true my freedom😄☺️😃👌 you inspired me🙏🙏🙏
I've tested it! The more I meditated, the further away I got from school. My grades started to distant from me, but I was more healthier than ever! I felt so happy and alive! I felt more introduced to a better world of nature! I felt ALPHA! But, when I started to focus more on school, work etc, my spirit felt like under heavy stress and my angel wings were weighted. I got the up close feeling of unplugging and plugging that my higher self was trying to show me, ONE LOVE Ralph, thank you.
Can I please ask how we won ?? Australians r being taken from their homes n put into concentration camps. This is the beginning. How is this winning ??? Please enlighten us
Hi, we Europeans are less protesting against lockdowns, but rather against compulsory vaccination!!!