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NEW Episode of Epic, Scary, Unusual and Angry moto moments. This episode is full of unusual biker clips.
We are adding ourselves to explain some situations.
Original videos with owners permissions:
FIRST -Roadside Channel- Horrible Drivers of Central Florida – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xthHhiGxJo
1:05 -footbrake_jake- – https://www.instagram.com/footbrake_jake/
1:51 -Jose Moto-Aventures- Z900 vs R6 Almost Crash – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAUnUFtXH3o
2:15 -SMRide- A BIG MISTAKE THAT ALMOST LED ME TO AN ACCIDENT – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_v5xw7pED8
2:35 -Rider Shin TV THE PROPOSAL – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceW5ODtDTsQ
3:59 -DINHO DA HORNET- BIKERS SAVE PUPPIES IN GARBAGE BAG – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m_tggvf5cA
6:30 -ambesa1- Car runs red light and driver runs. – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnvGlg4pjXw
7:22 -Motorcyclistor- MY HARLEY WAS RAN OVER BY QUAD – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3COA6XF4ZDE
8:14 -Will_On2- Random Biker Down – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4sY1n1-lbs
9:34 -Rider Pueblerino- Train Horn saved biker – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVzboeG6c1s
We do not encourage the actions contained in this episode !!! Ride Safe!
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DirtBike Lunatic 2021
There are some awful people in this world! But there are also wonderful people like these two guys that picked those pups up 🐶 🐶
4:45 I burst into tears 🙁
If I was that guy at the end I would be crapping myself and rethinking my decision to go on the tracks. Never do that unless your absolutely mad
Please find out who put those puppies in the bag and string him up by his balls, whoever did that is just a waste of air and shouldn't be breathing.
Is it just me or is the intro ACDC back in black
Good lads! Pat yourselves on the back for that one, saving puppies is always heroic!
Can I Know What Brand Helmet DBL Use Is?
Everyone was happy because the poor 2 puppy get rescue, WHILE I'M HERE PANICKING IN THIS MOMENT 9:34😱😱😱
Im not a dog lover, or any kind of pet, but dude, i wouldn't have the guts to do that stuff, that's pretty f'ed up. . .
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Someone: Says ''heck''
Youtube: Be gone
#однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #Интересно #забавно #девушка #смешная #垃圾
Love from India
So awesome they saw them and rescued them
6:40 well if it was red for him thats a karma and there is saying (i might not translate it 100% or it makes sense in english but still) if your in a hurry devil is happy
God bless them for helping the dogs
5:58 him crying made me burst into tears…. Thank you so much from a dog mom for saving those precious babies…. There's no excuse for animal cruelty…. But it happens so much all over the world…. These two have my sincerest thanks….
7:15 I could tell you what happened but I'd be censored by YouTube if I did…. Oh and probably called names (not that I care I'm just saying) but the car wasn't stolen, it's being taught to not take responsibility for the things you do, and the dumbest part is they wouldn't have gotten into that much trouble…. Smh
it looks like it’s made up :(. hopefully those puppies are ok
Dude on the train tracks obviously has zero riding skills and zero common sense 👎🏼
Aww that’s crazy.🙏🏽
When you ride a bike, sometimes it happens that you do stupid things for fun. Please, don't be "Ride on rail" stupid.
I wood love to meet the monster who dumped them poor baby's in the trash bag
Hey Lunatic, i know not alot of people are watching your channel anymore, but please do not stop posting these videos, they makes my day, thank u.
What kind of "person" throws out in 2 cute puppies in the garbage bag?! Insane,but im happy to save them, respect guys!
Pretty hard to not wish that crueler to die in a car crash
Nice guys saved puppies 👏👍
Sikken en masse lort i den her.
No I’m not crying, YOU’RE CRYING.
I just want to say thankyou to those who saved those puppies. Without them who knows how much longer they would survive!