If Scott doesn’t team Grian and Pete for MCC 19…we riot jk jk jk
Grian’s MCC vods
MCC 13: https://youtu.be/NXh2deIDlK0
MCC 14: https://youtu.be/QedVsXGQxzg
MCC 15: https://youtu.be/Xlv1yV_vnJE
MCC 16: https://youtu.be/glZw6BzeoWs
MCC 17: https://youtu.be/yThkemDpp7I
MCC 18: https://youtu.be/v_MVN-A_I30
MCC All Stars: https://youtu.be/utwyJxDS8sU
#Minecraft #MCC #Grian #PeteZahHutt
6:19 That was so sweet :''DDD
6:34 The Copium worked, we love to see it >:)
Grian can be anyone's pal.
Grian and Pete did, in fact, get teamed for MCC 19! B)
"I think we're actually already teamed for the next one."
The copium worked! Pizzacrust is back for MCC 19!
the description aged well
I hope to see another Pete vs fruit dodgebolt to see how much grian wants both of them to win
I know Grian and Pete are a good team, but I still want to see Grian and CaptainSparklez to be on the same team.
Pete and Fruity B are the only people who could be in a Grian video, then swear, and then Grian swears trying to be cool like them
I watched each and every one of these streams and I am so glad you put together this compilation
Sad Mumbo noises*
pizzacrust duo my beloved
scott please, next mcc </3
I didnt know i needed this compilation untill now!!!!!
The beginning was especially edited well, telling a little story.
The amount of quotes in this INCREDIBLE!!! My fav being all of them!!
Pizzacrust my beloved
I wanna see G, Pete and Fruit as a team cause they both took him to dodge bolt
Love the dou, and so well edited video. Good Job!
this is my new fave mcc video
this duo is seriously one of my favorite things that came out of MCC, I hope they can collab elsewhere outside of MCC
Babe wake up, new grian lore just dropped
Not to mention the fact that after MCCAS, Grian said “Pete unmute” even though he was in call with Hbomb.
I admire their friendship, I hope they collaborate sometime out of mcc
It always hurts me inside when they're separated (MCC 16 & 18)
Pizzacrust duo is easily my favorite duo in all of MCC. the most wholesome teams and they more often than not perform well.
The best duo ever!!! The pizzacrust!!!
i knew what was coming but still got jumpscared by the mcc17 win
Ah, a new ship has arrived.
Grian + Pete/Fruit = Easily Top 3
Noice pin this
Pizzacrust duo my beloved
What a sweet moment 🙂
lol this was cool