A super huge Slapped Ham scariest ghost videos filmed in India compilation that will spook you good! #Ghost #ScaryVideos #SlappedHam
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28. ** WHAT IS THIS ??? ** https://youtu.be/nIUDLQq0jOU
27. Caught real ghost. Forest road at kalimeadu https://youtu.be/4g0w3Nx7MXA
26. This footage is from Mizoram, a small state in India, this creep the hell out of me… https://www.reddit.com/r/SlappedHam/comments/nw7nur/this_footage_is_from_mizoram_a_small_state_in/
25. shivam_sonar_05
23. Real Ghost shot on CCTV footage in Bangalore https://youtu.be/TpHV66d_4do
22. Latest Most Haunted Video 2016 | Ghost Caught in CCTV in office Paranormal Video https://youtu.be/0ehRnBusJF8
21. बच्चे का भूत झूला झूलते हुए , Khyala B Block Park… https://youtu.be/JCphrGp5JAg
20. Real ghost caught in camera twice in single road | during ride to Ooty https://youtu.be/8BmnIXS6mSo
18. Miracle of statue moving in sai Baba temple/saiba temple /8682000033/9940067254 https://youtu.be/arDcQwmI4u8
Recent Sai Baba Miracle A heart touching video Aug 2017
16. ghost pushing the hand pump 😮 https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=545801772430929
14. Ghost spotted while riding. https://youtu.be/ksJFgmvLDhI
13. Ghost Caught on CCTV Camera in Kendari, Indonesia https://youtu.be/8w_J0ofBshU
12. Ghost Sighting caught on camera in Tatanagar,India https://youtu.be/6Ah_UcepX8o
3. Ghost Captured at Railway Track https://youtu.be/kC2hNkebj0s
Apprehension – Supernatural Haunting by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100327
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
The Children’s Room by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
All hoaxes but very entertaining video
first hint of a fake vid, green tint on the supposed night vision security footage. NO ONE uses green tint night vision on security camera.
I've had what others have claimed is sleep paralysis, several times. I've never seen anything, but I feel something pulling on my legs, and have a feeling of impending doom, like if I do see what is pulling my legs, usually backwards, I will lose my life in a horrific way. It's so real in the moment, it has been difficult convincing me that it's sleep paralysis. After seeing that first video, you really can't convince me.
I enjoy some of the videos you share, though some seem real lame. And I feel sometimes you over dramaticize things. "The chair was aggressively pulled" meanwhile just a standard pull. Aggressive would be fast and the chair mostly tilted. Also, I feel you over explain too much, which sometimes kills the vibes of eerieness, specially in some scenes that would have been really eerie, had you not mentioned it before hand. Otherwise, keep up the spooky!
I'm sorry but first video…. tell me how his friend just lays there and still sleeps. If my husband opens the door I wake up. This guy is literally hitting his friends bed and the friend just sleeps…. ummm sir, remind me not rely on you to keep me safe.
3:25 has wings and a split tail.. looks like a dragon to me
Not string ,powerful poltergeist,dam it Callam, you must know this,by now,what's wrong with you,I deal with poltergeists weekly,some are ok,some are playful, some are evil,
The strange figure is very likely Alian biang, odd Piace of film,must admit not sure about this one,
The girls should afraid, perfect targets for Evil demons ,it's not a leprechaun but a disfigured demon,,and it means to harm them,and will,
the two girls video was just someone in a bedroom jumping on a bed you can see as a reflections.
Second one, could be any demon forest creature,I've battled a few in my life, It is not a bloody hoax ,I wish peop le would stop saying things are a hoax,if you don't believe in the paranormal why watch this channel,your so bloody stupid,I'm fed up with the disbelievers on this channel,
Here we go again Callam I s your favourite Medium,back again to help you,now pay attention and wake up Callam,first one Negative sprit,could be dangerous,has alot of power, and could do some damage,
If I encountered a strange figure I would zoom up with my cam and move a inch closer.
Not pan my camera away from the being, it was seriously frustrating and I’m gonna rule it out as a hoax, automatically.
As the guys legs are getting lifted in 1st clip. If you look right where Callum points out the distortion at bottom of his feet you will see a white shape and it's got horns too. Pause at 1:13 thts where you see it clearest !! Love from Scotland UK xx 🏴🇬🇧
Seems like all the hauntings are in India.
Top 5 countries with dense population of ghosts;
(5) Japan
(4) Mexico
(3) Indonesia
(2) India
(1) United States
I had a ghost appear in my backseat of my car many years ago. it showed up twice in 2 different locations on the same night as I was driving home. It was a man with no face. scared the crap out of me. to this day when I drive at night I have to switch the rearview mirror to night vision so I cant see in my back seat .
What would i do if i looked in my rearview mirror & saw a ghost/spirit looking back at me? I would most certainly & definitively SH@T my pants!
jinn are never seen as benevolent!!! they are followers of satan and wicked beings 99.9% of the time
Lo que da más miedo es el grito de macho… 4:58 5:52 XD
1st one is complete fake
OMG isaw a shadow leg on wall when iwas 5 and i told to myself it must be from other room but shape of leg was too clearly visible
I feel that it's not that we can see them better in the state of sleep, but they are attracted to us when we are asleep and vulnerable.
A hunting animal would love to come across a sleeping rabbit.
A demon would be no different. A sleeping human can't defend themself
6:21 Drape on left side of window in relaxed position , No shadows visible yet ,6:48 the neighbors shadow being cast onto the glass from nearby ,Banging one out , The girls squeal as they watch , then Not pointing the camera towards the neighbors window when showing the out side patio . 38:00 woman moves arms and legs independently of spatial movement and also rises without a foothold or handhold , as if being suspended and lifted by cable and belt tool .
The one I saw the thing or a cryptid running in the night on the middle of the road is actually edited or CGI I knew it's white spikes in some alien movie
Lots of incidents in INDIA 🙌🙌
I'm in nearest OOTY 17.20
21:33 literally could be gopher or some sort burrowing below, disturbing the root and shifting the plant. 22:42 it's an old school pump. when the water pressure builds up, it pushes the stopper that then moved the lever. notice how the water escapes, it closes back. 24:04 cobrer? lol cobra is pronounced as koh-brah
The ghost woman on the road is a crack up, more over acting than anything else. But truthfully some of the vids have me head scratching.
The bikers and the walking so called alien to me is a hoax, firstly the shitty camera footage when approaching it. Plus I'm from NZ a biker and anyone of us here would have pulled up to the person or whatever and asked it whether they were ok or needed a ride. That's my comment mate.
It's always a long white dress and long dark hair. Not everyone that passes away on this earth has dark hair some have blonde hair or light brown hair or red hair or gray hair.
32:27 is soooo fake, its funny
I'm anishinaabe and wendigos are spirits that come down from the mountains and takes over a body and makes them go crazy and they feed on human flesh. They come during the starving moon which is February and the coldest winter month when everything was frozen and my people couldn't hunt. The wendigo is a bad spirit that is summoned by a someone who practices dark magic usually a tribal healer who has given themselves to the dark. They are real.
From khooni Monday
i love this video
Are you kidding me?? Why would any of those people be filming anyway
35:25 I just realized the size of the leaves… This is probably a bug lol no way leaves are as big as the creature
Lady climbing the wall..has been spotted in all those places..because she's actually been in ALL those places…ever think bout that?
That's a dragon
I noticed the wall is thick enough for someone to put something inside the wall. 7:14