It’s Thanksgiving season, and all of our staff here at Horse Plus Humane Society have so much to be thankful for! Don’t miss each person’s personal message for you.
Please support our rescue and sheltering efforts as we rescue, shelter, and protect horses not only in Tennessee but across the United States!
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Horse Plus Humane Society
P.O. Box 485, Hohenwald, TN 38462
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Learn about our safety net programs: https://www.horseplushumanesociety.org/grant-application/
Horse Plus Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit animal welfare organization & has been rescuing horses since 2003, tax ID #20-1156396.
How far do the horses need to be to consider them quarantined
Please tell me the Belgian is ok, if so what is his name?
Your farrier is fantastic; turning trash into treasure is a wise decision; and you and your family provide such a wonderful service to the animals; God bless you.
Shame on the therapy programme who come and dump their horses at Horse Plus and take two new ones. The horse were pretty skinny when they returned them.
is the doc wearing a cap from the Tennessee elephant sanctuary I support them as well. thanks for all the horses 🐎 you save
Gosh, God bless y'all. Lots of love from me and my rescued OTTB in Connecticut!
If I was out of college. I would apply! Maybe next time. God Bless All of you at Horse Plus.
Horse rescue center I want to do this
How wud I find a location or land to open my house
Happest of Holidays to all of you horsey hereos god bless yall for all your hardwork! I hope one day to have my own rescue farm as I have rehabed horses cats dos n kids lol
I’m in love with Otis! 🤎🤎🤎🤎
I’m a little bit obsessed with Hinny’s because of the mini hinny Cassidy at Skydog Sanctuary.
A good reason to smash cans before you toss them.
Should post the vacant job positions on a separate video.
When the farrier showed up,I was searching for subtitles
Kory has such nice eyes.
Well said Garrick 👍🏻❤️ Your an awesome caring ferrier 🐎
Happy thanksgiving to y’all to!!!
🐎🐴Happy Thanksgiving💖💕
OMG!!!!another beautiful pure bred Arabian?cowboy is stunning..uk Arabian lovers would pay grands!!it’s so sad.and yeh so many horses end up in this mess,but I cnt even offer a thousand pounds for that breed here.it’s a world of messed up!!🤗
Who is the mare that Gerrick worked on at minute 24? Is that Cleo?
Anyone else notice the cat in docs car at 5:54 😂✨
Love you guys so much, thank you for helping so many horses<3 Can you guys do a video of following a horse from auction to adoption covering costs, training, everyday care, etc?
Happy Thanksgiving! Question, I want to start a horse rescue but don't know how to start it, any advice?
Love Doc's corner office. I can't tell you how much I admire all of you at HPHS. You are angels on earth 🐎🐈⬛🐃❤ So thankful for you too
Are you going to insulate the offices?
❤ ❤ ❤
Just so you know—there have been global, as well as national "issues" with internet lately—it isn't just there in mid-Tennessee. Some think it might be related to the up-tick in CME's (solar flares) that have been Earth directed, but also—cyber attacks. Or perhaps, cyber attack Interventions. Lots of speculation in regards to online stuff. Great Video! LOVED the Drone shot at the opening for Happy Thanksgiving!
Yesterday was Thanksgiving. You are filming your thanks to us, and I would like to return the favor. During the past two years the pandemic has divided us. Politics and racism has divided us. Your channel heals many of those wounds simply by being you. Garrick and Corey in particular stand out to me. Both are adult men who use their strength to offer skills, compassion and a helping hand to each other and the creatures around them. Thank you for being one of my blessings during this difficult year.
I can't wait till the building is finished! I love Dock and the Farrier, they do so well! Happy thanksgiving! (We dont have that in the Netherlands 🙁 )
What is wrong with Kimberly.
Happy Thanksgiving 🍽🍁
I appreciate the teaching, and how to care for a horse. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Happy Thanks Giving to you al to stay safe and healthy this Holiday Season God Bless you all
Hello if I was 60 years younger I would love to apply in a minute.. I will just have to watch your YouTube show to see the horses.
Happy thanksgiving love you all watch every video. I love ya'll
THANK YOU HORSE PLUS! For all the hard work you do, for the brave hearts you all have, by being leaders in a new way to rescue any animal. More importantly, you give us confidence and the brave heart we need to make a difference in a animals life just by watching your outstanding videos.
That man who builds and does a lot of the manual labour is a friggin legend. What a trooper and a real asset to your cause.
I love your videos so so so so much your videos are so fun to watch but sometimes sad it’s so crazy how many people just dump their horses in auction
Happy Thanksgiving from meridian ms love you all
Thank you so much for what you do! One off the wall question – is that your house we have seen on the hill? I love the style.
Everyday a day of Thanksgiving for all you do to save lives and give second chances. God bless..
Happy Thanksgiving to all y'all in Tennesee from Massachusetts. Great job Keith on the Vet barn!
OMG…. If I could only get there to get that owner surrender Arab. I knew when it was being backed off the trailer what it was. Stunning.
I am so thankful his owners surrendered him doing the right thing, who knows why they came to this decision I am sure it was not easy.
Being an Arabian it will take Cowboy some time to bond with who ever gets him and the faster he gets into his new home to start the bonding the better, as long as Doc says he is healthy.
I hope his old family is well and I wish them best.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!