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About the Author: YouTube Movies


  1. I liked the movie. 3 stars. Saber tooth wasn't portrayed right and Rouge sucked. She was like a spoiled or weak little baby. Nothing like the animated series I grew up watching. The others were dead on

  2. Looking back, this movie kinda fucking rips. My only issue is that they play Sabre Tooth for a joker. As if he couldn't absolutely destroy everyone around him, including Logan. I've heard complaints about Rogue too, but I kind of like her role in this movie. Her major scenes got me emotionally. I could actually relate to her most of the time.

  3. order of icarus: rogue gains/keeps the psychometry of getting nourishment & eating & remembers the psychometry of 'a healthy lifeform' leaving her with the three points of healing's powerfulness forever as a gift of the force which is kept both by wolverine & rogue with my asgardian rights as 'healing' (what weapon do you make, lets use yours if you make it). my 5th of kol is used to make this post an overriding 366,000th degree boards of directors order (combat) defense.

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